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  1. jdubincali

    Motorcycle Riding Sign Language

    It's been a few months since I posted a thread so I'm glad to read all the FZ riders still active. I bought this bike 2013 of August as a complete noob with no riding experience whatsoever. Since my post I've Put 10K miles on it Went through a few oil changes Changed the rear flat tire...
  2. jdubincali

    Cambo Down!

    Thank God you're okay and can get up to ride again. I'd fight that ticket too. Dude, be safe out there!
  3. jdubincali

    Removing stock license plate fender...

    Got 'er done! This thread is was a huge help installing mine. Thanks everyone!
  4. jdubincali

    Went for a ride today

    Cool! Today was a great day to go riding in Southern Cal...Here's how Azusa Canyons looked from my view.
  5. jdubincali

    My 2013 won't start

    A video of the the start attempts will help out a lot in diagnosing the problem.
  6. jdubincali

    2013 fz8 break in with garage mods......

    Dude, your bike looks dope:tup:
  7. jdubincali


    I was in a similar situation as you about 6 months ago. I looked at used and new from 250 cc to 800cc bikes after taking the motorcycle course. After debating all the pros and cons for all choices, I decided with the 2013 FZ8 with no regrets. The FZ8 is fairly easy to ride--if you are careful...
  8. jdubincali

    Any suggestions on how to install rear LED turn signals here?

    Awesome!!! Thank you so much!
  9. jdubincali

    Turn signal mod

    A build thread would be sweet and much appreciate!... your turn signals look the best. My coworker and I were thinking of all the mods the bike needs and this is by far the best idea.
  10. jdubincali

    Any suggestions on how to install rear LED turn signals here?

    I just got this bike a few weeks ago and I'm looking at some mods...thank you for all the FZ8 owners who posted pics on their mods! I'm new to riding and loving it! I'd like to get a FE kit and and install at least 2 bright, LED bulbs as the pic shows on each side. Does anybody have any...
  11. jdubincali

    Went on the FWY for the first time!

    Haha! Awesome reply...thanks for the heads up everyone!
  12. jdubincali

    Went on the FWY for the first time!

    I'm a noob rider and just got the FZ8 last 2 weeks ago. I got familiar with gear shifting and turning and thought: I'll take it on the 605 S FWY to work. And wow--it was both exhilarating and a little crazy! The wind gets intense above 60 mph! I tucked down and had a kung-fu grip on the bars...
  13. jdubincali

    Newbie riding question

    Everything that is associated with riding a bike is new to me so thank you in advance for all and any replies. I noticed during my long trek home from the dealer, that I could not see directly behind me. If someone was tailgating me, I wouldn't even know it. I'm so used to driving a
  14. jdubincali

    Just got my first bike, 2013 FZ8

    No doubt... They were great; especially the sales guy Steve. He worked hard and took the extra time in getting a great deal for me. Dude...the drive home was something else. I have NO riding experience, with the exception of the MFS course I took in November last year:eek: So, my first...
  15. jdubincali

    Just got my first bike, 2013 FZ8

    I just picked up my first bike, the 2013 FZ8. I picked it up at Mission Motorsports in Irvine, CA and got a smoking deal after shopping for over 10 months and going to dozens of dealers in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside county areas. My fiance (God bless her), followed my me home as I...