hats in restaurant..

I genuinely hope I'm not coming across as an ass, I'm truly just curious and trying to be respectful in my inquiries.

Chewing with your mouth closed as polite. That one I understand. Chewed up food and chewing sounds are gross to most people. That's a valid "why" that makes sense to everyone on some level.

Nobody has ever been able to give me an equivalent "why" for hats indoors (or during the national anthem for that matter) that isn't some version of "I was raised that way" or "It's just respectful." Perhaps I'll phrase the question another way. If taking off the hat is respectful, what about keeping it on is disrespectful?

Alternatifly, why is keeping your socks on not disrespectful? Or glasses? Or any other random garment. It's just so arbitrary. Maybe I feel disrespected by left shoelaces during brunch. See what I'm getting at? A piece of fabric designed for the head is still just a piece of fabric. What makes that piece of fabric special compared to another piece of fabric for a different body part?

(Really, not trying to ruffle feathers. I promise. On that subject, I think some people in here could be a bit more respectful with their tone during disagreement.)

I agree with what your are saying. Although I can only answer on my behalf based on my experience I'm sorry if i dont have the answer you are looking for. I hope someone else would be able to answer it better. Or maybe there is no right answer or there is no wrong answer. Agree to disagree? Lol
Honestly, I didn't expect anyone to have a real reason.

"Think for yourself. Question authority." - Timothy Leary

The hat thing is apparently just a recent (and also not recent...I used to wear hats a lot and never understood then either) example of that for me.
Wow, I don't visit the Forum for a couple days....For me it depends on the resturant and the situation. Hell ya I'm going to wear a hat with the boys at Wild Wings, it's expected. Now if I was single, maybe not... Don't know. I usually don't wear hats indoors with my wife, at least not at dinner. I don't especially at dinner in the house. To each his own, but to leave the resturant? I've made a comment about a dude once in Carraba's with a hat and a tank-top, but I've been traveling before and had comfy riding clothes on and wanted something better than Mickey Dee's and if you want some good food yeah you might be a little out of place. Come on man (espn comment) Then again I live in the South in the backwoods, not big timer New York and wouldn't have it any other way.
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Never mind, I was replying to a comment made 5 pages ago?
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I agree with what your are saying. Although I can only answer on my behalf based on my experience I'm sorry if i dont have the answer you are looking for. I hope someone else would be able to answer it better. Or maybe there is no right answer or there is no wrong answer. Agree to disagree? Lol

never really thought about it that way. i guess it's just something that i learned growing up and those other things enforced growing up. yeah, at a wings place, mcd's, etc, i don't think it's an issue. nice place, i don't know....just thought it was a no-no.
".... To each his own, but to leave the resturant?" Then again I live in the South in the backwoods, not big timer New York and wouldn't have it any other way.

who left a restaurant? did i miss something?

what's does big timer new york mean? don't get it?
Very common to see hats in eating establishments here in cental Illinois, especially ones with a casual environment. I guess we're uncouth slugs in the midwest:)
Very common to see hats in eating establishments here in cental Illinois, especially ones with a casual environment. I guess we're uncouth slugs in the midwest:)

really, i've been to the midwest, have a lot of friends who are from and who live throughout the midwest and i don't think i would say that about them, nor do i think they would say that about themselves. quite honestly, i always viewed the midwest as a very traditional, etc.
I genuinely hope I'm not coming across as an ass, I'm truly just curious and trying to be respectful in my inquiries.

Chewing with your mouth closed as polite. That one I understand. Chewed up food and chewing sounds are gross to most people. That's a valid "why" that makes sense to everyone on some level.

Nobody has ever been able to give me an equivalent "why" for hats indoors (or during the national anthem for that matter) that isn't some version of "I was raised that way" or "It's just respectful." Perhaps I'll phrase the question another way. If taking off the hat is respectful, what about keeping it on is disrespectful?

Alternatifly, why is keeping your socks on not disrespectful? Or glasses? Or any other random garment. It's just so arbitrary. Maybe I feel disrespected by left shoelaces during brunch. See what I'm getting at? A piece of fabric designed for the head is still just a piece of fabric. What makes that piece of fabric special compared to another piece of fabric for a different body part?

(Really, not trying to ruffle feathers. I promise. On that subject, I think some people in here could be a bit more respectful with their tone during disagreement.)

that sir is one of the funniest things ive hurd all day.... just had to give you some props.
really, i've been to the midwest, have a lot of friends who are from and who live throughout the midwest and i don't think i would say that about them, nor do i think they would say that about themselves. quite honestly, i always viewed the midwest as a very traditional, etc.

It was a joke. Sarcasm. Miss the little smiley face?
Very common to see hats in eating establishments here in cental Illinois, especially ones with a casual environment. I guess we're uncouth slugs in the midwest:)

Why yes,,, yes we are. Especially the English slugs that live here. Total pigheads..:nana:
who left a restaurant? did i miss something?

what's does big timer new york mean? don't get it?

Yeah sorry about the left the restaurant comment I don't know where I got that from and I was just pulling your chain with a yankee joke. It's all good. I was bored at work yesterday....Bored of this thread now..Now let's all go buy rear sets. :eek::rolleyes:
I knowim a bit late with this. But the reason its rude is the same reason as when you dont look at some one in the eye when your talking to them. Leavin your hat on hides your face andtrue identity. Back in theearly00s of when ever tey didnt have tvs to watch while eating dinner so families actually spoke when the dad camehome from work.
Personally dont give a crap. Just though id shed some light.