Who's Still Riding?

I'm still riding even though it's 35 degrees C and 100% humidity. Can't wait til dry season.
What prompted the move to NT mate? you still serving in the green machine?

Personal reasons, No haven't been in the green machine for 2 years now, but I am fixing green machines for now.
Arizona. We ride year round here. 67 today and about that until April when it starts to heat up. Chilly in the morning though.

Hoorah to AZ Riding! Mid-July thru mid-September are brutal here though, unless you go at the crack of dawn. Grip warmers perfect for the cool mornings and mountain rides!
I need to get some warmer gear, though it seems kind of a waste in arizona, as the weather here is usually pretty damn hot. I work nights so I don't usually leave home til late at night, so I've been taking the car.

Considering changing that though and taking the 8, even though it's about 45 when I leave and 37 or so when I come home.

During the day it's perfect here though, 60-70 degrees.
Im in NYC and i ride year round as long as there is no snow out unfortunetly i crashed 2 weeks ago but the bike will be running again today.
I just got in from a short ride. It's supposed to snow tomorrow but today is a bit above freezing and sunny. (well it was sunny for a little while)
I think that will be it until spring.... but you never know.
O.K.. So i took your advice , but instead of studs i tried cable chains. The traction was pretty good, but it rode like crap.... i think the suspension is the problem.........:bs2::deadhorse::ban::canada:

Nothing wrong with the suspension mate.. we have been telling you that for months
^^^^^^Ya, if only. A few more months and my son will have his 2013( if he doen't change his mind, he is thinking dual sport now), and i will try it out. But probably just adjustable budget shocks on the new one ....perfume on a pig......:p
You lucky bastard living in such a great state. If Texas had a lot of tracks and Laguna I would move there. May move there anyways haha.

Move to Dallas that way you could go to Texas World Speedway. Cost of living here is nothing compared to CA
Move to Dallas that way you could go to Texas World Speedway. Cost of living here is nothing compared to CA

I know what you mean. Unemployment is outrageous yet a studio apartment still runs $500 to $600. I got a friend buying a house and said I can shake up with him so that'll be good enough for me until I get on my feet. Plus I've known him my whole life an we both love riding so it should work. It's actually cheaper to buy a house here than to rent but that's if you can get a loan. Anyways, back to topic, I ride all year round unless its pouring rain.
Ok opposite end of the temp gauge:

It is getting to the warmer end of the scale here now. It was 36C/96F when I rode home yesterday and it wasn't too bad. It is suppose to be 39C/102F on Monday. I find that jump from ~35C up to ~40 (and beyond), the worst. I have no doubt we'll hit 40+ before mid Jan.
100F in January??? What the hell? I think the warmest it's gotten here is maybe 60F in January. I think that you are at the point where riding becomes a chore more than fun lol. I hate riding in the heat. A few months ago I rode on a 108F day and thought I was going to die.