Who's Still Riding?


New member
Hey guys, just wanted to see how many of you are still riding. I am riding today though its cold as hell outside. 39 degrees on my way to work, but I guess I can't complain considering its December.


Avid Rider
Haven't rode since late September when i put my bike away for the winter.. Snow, ice & rain here in Norway.

Would like to move to a warmer country!


New member
Still riding here in NYC. i rode all winter last year because it did not snow.
As long as i have my heated gear i don't care how cold it gets. Well maybe 5­°F would be too cold.
Gerbings FTW!


New member
8 is in the shop, but I ride the 250 around the neighborhood for fun on weekends. Chicago has been swell so far this month.


12+ inches of the white shit tomorow. Think I'll take the WRX !!

The Arsenal

New member
Arizona. We ride year round here. 67 today and about that until April when it starts to heat up. Chilly in the morning though.


Avid Rider
Still riding, but not to work anymore... dark by the time I leave, and I go through some wooded area. Missed a deer by less than a foot, then another the next night by about 20 yards. I'm down to riding on weekends now.