The road less...or never travelled


New member
Have you ever been down a road in your car and just wished that you were on your bike at that moment?

This past weekend I had to be at an event in Southern Missouri and drove on RT 90 travelling East from highway 71. The whole time I was thinking " Just why could I not be on my FZ8 right now?

Anybody else ever had such an experience?
ALL THE TIME. I ride by myself or just with my girlfriend and all we do is explore. Back roads are the best roads.
Always, sometimes i catch myself leaning in my truck like im on my bike, searching for the apex, or doing "the wave". Then i realize im in my truck.
This is especially true in the cold winter months here in the mid-atlantic. I've grown to despise winter and snow for this reason alone.
No, can't say that I do. I sold my car and only ride my bike. Ohh and prime riding season just started, 9 months of joy will ensue.
Almost every time I travel to a race venue. I run a lot of spartan races around the northeast and even canada, and they are primarily held at ski resorts. Some of those roads are phenomenal rides, but the thought of riding home after multiple hours of running in the mountains just isn't too appealing. It'd be cramp city, not so fun on the bike
Have you ever been down a road in your car and just wished that you were on your bike at that moment?

This past weekend I had to be at an event in Southern Missouri and drove on RT 90 travelling East from highway 71. The whole time I was thinking " Just why could I not be on my FZ8 right now?

Anybody else ever had such an experience?

All the time. Everytime i'm in my car and i see a string of 2 or 3 bikes I think to myself "damn i wish i have my bike"
Very familiar with that part of Missouri. You were basically in McDonald County (to begin with).

At one time, my Uncle was Sheriff there. My Grandfather was Superintendent of Schools. My Grandmother was in charge of the post office. My Aunt was in charge of the library. And finally, my other Aunt was Mayor.

Hell, they could of had their own hillbilly mafia.
Zomax, you maybe the nearest FZ rider to me. I am in the KC area on the Kansas side. Where are you located? I know there are a couple in the Omaha and someone in St Louis. Maybe we could get together for a ride. With what I saw in the dealers around here I maybe one of the only FZ8 riders in the area. I see lots of FZ1 and 6's but have never seen another 8 on the road.
Damn you Arizonians. Once the salt hits the road in New England im all done

We really are lucky for riding probably only second to California for best state to live and ride a motorcycle year round.

This year the heat was only brutal from June till mid-September. However even if the heat is bad if we want to go out and head north for a run the temp drops to the 80-90s. And this is where all the fun roads are anyway.
Located in Springfield.

Spend most of my free time running up and down Missouri 125, 14, 76 and 160.

If you get the chance go east to 19 north from Eminence. Very excellent road. I will have to see what the weather brings the next couple of weekends before the really cool weather rolls in. Otherwise maybe we can meet up next spring with a group of other riders from the center of the country.
We really are lucky for riding probably only second to California for best state to live and ride a motorcycle year round.

This year the heat was only brutal from June till mid-September. However even if the heat is bad if we want to go out and head north for a run the temp drops to the 80-90s. And this is where all the fun roads are anyway.

We've got it good here when it comes to weather but it's just like anything else. There are pros and cons. I'm lucky enough to be picking up my first street bike in two days (from a forum member) right when the hot summer is ending. I can't wait to get out on the road!:D
SoCal is really killer for riding season and roads
some of my favorite roads are just carved into the canyons and have some switchbacks that 10 mph is too fast
Average speed on some of them is 45
I am always looking for new roads, and sometimes can be pounding the steering wheel that I am not on my bike
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