Put in too much oil...


New member
I accidentally put in too much oil and the window is full. I need to drain some out and was thinking of loosening the oil drain bolt or even the oil filter. Has anyone tried these methods? Looking not to drain too much here...
You are fine. That is not overly full. I always fill to the top of window. You would have to be quite a bit above that to do any harm.

If you just cannot live with yourself though...

Both those methods will make a mess. If you can get a long syringe you can suck it out of the fill hole?
siphon is an idea too, I had this same problem, I had 2000 miles on an overfilled (sliiiiiightly) engine of repsol oil. I ended up just changing the oil to motul (< flippin awesome stuff). As I refill I try to remember that the bottom line is an acceptable amount as well, so I dont fill it all the way. When she is cold on the paddock stand the line reads a bit over the halfway mark. I feel like the bike is happier now, particularly off a stop or when I get on the throttle hard then shift. But, you could blame that on the motul as well, just my two cents. well this might be three cents ;)
I filled it to the mid line when she was hot, then when she cooled down it was above the oil window...

Anyway I'll look around the house for something I can siphon with...

Anyone tried this method lol?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zmnOdce1V8]YAMAHA FZ6 Too much motor oil... - YouTube[/ame]
oh well wait a sec, if you run your engine right now until she warms up a bit, then took the reading would it be below the line? if so you are spot on. you will almost always be "overfilled" if you are looking at the window without warming her up. you are supposed to take the reading with a warmed up engine

if you really need to drain some oil, just pull the drain plug out but only until she leaks a bit. then you can just sit and watch the paint dry. i mean oil drip.
I have drained excess oil by unscrewing the filter. Don't quote me on this but I think it even just drains a certain volume, you won't lose it all. If you need to drain more run the engine a bit, turn it off and unscrew it again.
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What rail said...remove your oil filter and dump it out...it'll only be 4-8 oz, but it's the easiest way to remove a small amount of oil.