

New member
Has anyone switched to Nitrogen for their tires? I have done this in my last 3 cars but never thought until now about my bike. I don't see any downside to doing it other than the fact if you ever run low its somewhat hard to find a place to get it filled.

I switched to helium in my tires. Big difference in fuel economy but the road feel has definitely been decreased.
Has anyone switched to Nitrogen for their tires? I have done this in my last 3 cars but never thought until now about my bike. I don't see any downside to doing it other than the fact if you ever run low its somewhat hard to find a place to get it filled.


Nitrogen already composes about 78% of the air that is pumped into your tires. If it was free sure - filler-up, but because its quite expensive I'd just save my money.

Should You Fill Your Car's Tires With Nitrogen?
Don't waist your money unless it's free! Let me explain where it all come from...

In racing, tires are the most important thing. Keeping the PSI right in the sweet spot is very important.

With regular air (compressor) there's some moisture in it. So since racing tires get to extreme temperature (anywhere from 180 to 220F) The moisture get hot, and the PSI get higher.... long story short, it's not very consistent and the delta can be in the 7-10 PSI. (cold to hot PSI)

With Nitrogen (inert gas) there's no moisture and the PSI are more stable from one run to the other. Also the Delta is around 3-5 PSI... depending of track condition.

So next time you go at the tires shop and they are trying to sell you the idea ($$$ too) that Nitrogen make you save gas... Right! If you start your cold psi +3 all around maybe... but you will save gas in the first 5 miles of your ride... that's it! LOL

If you hit the track... it's better to use Nitrogen. You can start your cold PSI a bit higher and your tire get to optimum psi a bit quicker.
I switched to helium in my tires. Big difference in fuel economy but the road feel has definitely been decreased.

Why helium? Isn't it prone to leaking because it is so small? We use it to pressure check things because if it will hold pressure with helium it will hold pressure with larger gases like air or nitrogen.
Why helium? Isn't it prone to leaking because it is so small? We use it to pressure check things because if it will hold pressure with helium it will hold pressure with larger gases like air or nitrogen.

ah, is the word sarcasm in your vocabulary?
a group of us did some experiments once
4x4 group
this is a thing many have raved about
we set up a test vehicle and tried different mixes in different tires

well let me give you the bottom line
we are not doing to our tires what a GP car is and there is no benefit to pure nitrogen. If we were doing so much stress as to wear out a tire and the carcass in 30 minutes, maybe there is a benefit, but we can keep constant treasure for months in our tires with nothing more than common air.