My road trip from NY to TN via Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway. 6 days. 2346 miles. 1 rear tire. 1 dead bird. 1 saved turtle. 1 night guerill

Really enjoyed that, am so envious of you guys in the states, so many great places to travel to, have driven a lot around the west coast but dream of the day I get to ride! Thanks for the thread!
Damn bro..looks like a hell of a lot of fun!!! What wind screen is that?? I'm diggin it! Best I've seen imo
Damn bro..looks like a hell of a lot of fun!!! What wind screen is that?? I'm diggin it! Best I've seen imo

I thought it was stock, but I guess not. Just did some research. I have no idea. It came with the bike when I bought it. I've taken it off since then, if you want it for shipping costs.
That looked like a awesome ride, now don't lie, how bad does your ass hurt!!!!!

Not *too* bad, actually. I shaved off some of the foam on the rear of the seat to make it a little more level before I left. So that definitely helped. My right arm hurt more than my ass :)
I'm like 10 miles from skyline drive off of route 33 in VA.... Wish I knew you were on there, I'd have joined you for a while
I'm like 10 miles from skyline drive off of route 33 in VA.... Wish I knew you were on there, I'd have joined you for a while

I'm gonna be making the trip again with my girlfriend in late Sept. I'll make a post here and see if anyone wants to meet up along the way. Keep an eye out.