Jumpy RPM's at 3-4k range

HAHAHAHAH well Im a retard. In a post a while ago, I said, know what you are doing and understand what you do when you mod. Well it turns out when I was screwing with my PCV I enabled the rev-extend. After basically starting over and going through every freaking thing on the PCV I call a tech at Power Commander, first thing he said, do me a favor and double check your rev extender. This can not be on unless you have the ignition timing device. Sure enough it was on and that solved it.

Learned a good troubleshooting technique from the guy, with our PCV you do not have to completely remove from the bike to take out of sequence. Basically you run all 0's in your AFR tables and Fuel tables. This tells the PCV not to do anything and it runs totally off the ECU.

Thanks for everyones help!!

Hope you guys get your jumpy issues figured out. Mine purrs like a kitten now. Time to build some bigger maps!!!!!!


I'm glad you were able to sort that issue with the throttle out.
HAHAHAHAH well Im a retard. In a post a while ago, I said, know what you are doing and understand what you do when you mod. Well it turns out when I was screwing with my PCV I enabled the rev-extend. After basically starting over and going through every freaking thing on the PCV I call a tech at Power Commander, first thing he said, do me a favor and double check your rev extender. This can not be on unless you have the ignition timing device. Sure enough it was on and that solved it.

Learned a good troubleshooting technique from the guy, with our PCV you do not have to completely remove from the bike to take out of sequence. Basically you run all 0's in your AFR tables and Fuel tables. This tells the PCV not to do anything and it runs totally off the ECU.

Thanks for everyones help!!

Hope you guys get your jumpy issues figured out. Mine purrs like a kitten now. Time to build some bigger maps!!!!!!


Glad you could admit it. ;) :deadhorse: maybe you should have :rtfm: :rof:
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Read the manual, know every part of the PCV pretty well. Just can not remember when I turned on the Rev Extender. I have no problem admiting when I am wrong or when I do something stupid. Thats all part of life, now its the man/ woman that will fight to the death just so they dont have to admit they are wrong you have to worry about! LOL

Anyways thanks guys, if you are like me and love to tinker with shit, write down what you do. Could save you a lot of headaches in the future!!!!!!

Lesson learned, but I guarantee I will do this agian. Now I have a troubleshooting path to follow that will narrow all other headaches out and steer me in the correct direction!!!!!


Oh and Doom, YOUR MAP is CRAZY insane!!!!!!!!!!!! Little tinkering with the AFR's and let autotune do its thing, now Im ready for another dyno run!!!!
One thing I have noticed is my idle does bounce again. I moved my TPS so the signal sat at 14, in the onboard diagnostic computer, origionally it sat at 17. Have you guys moved yours around? Every engine has a sweet spot. Every engine has a certain way they like to be set, even tho they are identical engines, they all spec out the same, every engine is touchy. Kinda like a woman, some like this and some like that, not every one likes it all. So I guess I am saying with your bouncing idle and surges, it could be the signal from your tps is not what YOUR ECM wants to see. Try adjusting it a tad, the book states it needs to be from 14-20, thats a lot of playing room. And remember those of you that have a PCV, if you adjust your TPS sensor, you need to calibrate your TPS.

My bike is all stock right now. Still no fix for me. Here are my symptoms. Slightly jumpy idle, slight hesitation of idle, bike is surging and jumpy when held at constant throttle between 2000 - 3500 rpms. It smooth out somewhat at higher rpms but there is a muffled popping sound. I took the tank off to get to the TPS but there is no way to reach the bottom bolt of the TPS so I can make any adjustment to it. My diagnostic says it is at 16 so I was going to try and increase it. No go. Has anyone gotten to the lower bolt? If so what did you use? I am going to take it to another dealer to see if they can figure it out. This thing is not fun to ride espesially if there is any kind of slow traffic. :(

Or should I just buy a PCV and see if that fixes it?
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I love the PCV, so I am gonna suggest getting it. LOL

The bottom bolt I used a quarter inch ratchet and a small socket. Its a pain, but do-able! If you want bring it to my house and I will hook you up. Im in manassas.

So, this is a really old thread, but I'm getting the really jumpy Rpms when riding at in-town speeds. Has no one seriously ever fixed this? It is incredibly irritating and I can't find any other information on it.