Opinions on Coffman's Exhaust

help please.

I want to order Coffman exhaust on my FZ8 2013. Tell me please - how much it loud ??? How approximately DB have stock exhaust in 5000 rpm in 10000 rpm? And how DB have Coffman ?
I listen Yoshimura on FZ8 - how approximately DB in it (on my mind it is not very loud...normal)?

Help me, i think will not Coffman very loudly for comfort ride in town ... ? I didn't want use earplugs ... I want comfort ride by 2 hours.
I want this exhaust, but worry it will be too open and loud.

Yes, I think this is for me. Pam Coffman said in an email they would throw in a R6 baffle (very cool) but I still wonder, would need a PCV or more likely (for me) a Juicebox Pro? I want my bike to run well and proper but with this much freeflow would it be wise to gut the cat and airbox mod and K&N my bike to get the most out of it or just juicebox and muffler? I don't really want to spend my free time tinkering a lot but I am willing put in the effort to get the bike smooth and more responsive. Any advice or thoughts? P.S. I like the price and looks as well as the sound, if that helps.:confused:
Happy with Coffman product and service

Just got the gold tip Coffman exhaust a few days ago. Very happy with the appearance and quality of the exhaust especially for the price. Fits perfect. Not sure if it is going to be a little on the loud side for me, but I figure come spring if it is I'll try to get an R6 baffle for it, as that one seems a bit quieter. I made a quick run down the street in 12 degree weather. Bike seemed to ride normal (without a tune) but the block that I froze my balls off driving around didn't provide nearly enough of a test lol. My neighbor asked if my motorcycle was running when I started in my garage. I told him yes and asked if it sounded obnoxiously loud. He told me it sounded good. He said he could hear it in the front room of his house, but that he hears a lot of outside noise from that room. Also the garage door was open and our houses are kind of L shaped so noise bounces between them. Overall I think with the included baffle it is on the high end of what I would want for noise, but I don't think it is stupid loud by any means. Actually the exhaust I had on my previous car (v6 Tiburon) was probably a lot louder.
Glad my bike could be of assistance! :thumbsup: I saw it on ebay and said, hey! I know those stickers! Lol glad everyone who bought it enjoys it! I'm sticking with my danmoto and blast pipe. :D

(Note my neighbors suck, so I don't care about noise)
It looks great. Do u think it's to loud? I ride two up sometimes with the stock exhaust and I still have to yell really loud for my wife to hear me.

I haven't rode on it with a passenger yet (snow on the ground out here). But it is noticeably louder especially when I hold the throttle at cruising RPMs. Makes me think it is going to make talking with your wife almost impossible if she already has trouble hearing you. Although I'm still trying to figure out the downside to that lol. Wish I could ride it more to get a better gauge myself. I like to listen to music on my Bluetooth helmet and wonder how well I'll be able to hear the music.
Just installed on my bike and I don't think it's Too loud...

Photos of installed on bike 2013 model with juicebox pro.
Photos of installed on bike 2013 model with juicebox pro.

Curious which baffle you have in it? I know you mentioned getting an R6 baffle with it. Wondering how significant the sound difference is if you have both. Hard to get a real clear idea from the youtube videos (although they were helpful). It pains me that I have the exhaust on my bike, but don't have a good idea of how loud it is with a helmet on while riding yet...hate Illinois weather.
I didn't try the R6, baffle and I am going to offer to send it back. It seems perfectly fine (actually awesome) to me when cruising around the neighborhood and I wear earplugs on the freeway anyway. You might not think so, but for me I'm happy!
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I didn't try the R6, baffle and I am going to offer to send it back. It seems perfectly fine (actually awesome) to me when cruising around the neighborhood and I wear earplugs on the freeway anyway. You might not think so but for me I'm happy!

Glad to hear it doesn't sound too loud to you while riding. I wear a full face Bluetooth helmet...as long as I can hear my music I'll be happy. I'll probably have to wait a few months to find out. Come spring if it is too loud I'll be asking them if they can send me the R6 baffle you sent back lol.
OK so I did try the other baffle (got cold as hell here) and was bored, it was WAY quieter, as a matter of fact one of my neighbors was out on his deck getting some air and asked me if my bike was a 250...LOL! so there you go!
OK so I did try the other baffle (got cold as hell here) and was bored, it was WAY quieter, as a matter of fact one of my neighbors was out on his deck getting some air and asked me if my bike was a 250...LOL! so there you go!

Yeah maybe I'll stick with it as is...250 isn't really the sound I'm going for either lol. I got a center stand and radiator guard on the bike the other day and couldn't help running the bike. Sounds so much better than stock when idling.