Peg grinder things almost wrecked me


New member
Warning to fellow riders:

OK, so I'm not sure what the technical term is, but you know those metal ball pieces screwed to the bottom of the foot pegs? Well I was riding home in traffic and when i picked my feet up, the cuff in my pants caught that ball. One kick, two kick, would not let go! so i slowed to stop but realizing it wasn't coming loose decided to roll at a slow pace along the shoulder... finally the thing let free!

first thing I did when i got home was unscrew those suckers.

So really just wanted to share my heads up.

*not applicable if you don't cuff your jeans*
Yup, same thing happened to me. One of my pant had hole at the angle area where the jean rubbed against each other as i walk. One day the little feeler got caught in the hole and i couldn't put my left foot down. My right foot was used for the rear brake so i nearly pissed myself when my left leg drag on the left of the bike nearly tipping it over.
Ive got them caught on my riding boots before. they can be a PITA sometimes. i should probly take them off
I catch them on my boots all the time coming off stops. I don't know if it's an anatomical difference (6'5"), but I find it dead easy to free myself - just lower my foot closer to the ground and arc them forward.

I've never scraped pegs (1/4" of chicken strips on the rear), but I value having that warning that I'm pushing too hard.
Chicken strips are "extra" insurance.

I think at first not having chicken strips are a point of pride, till you learn how to lean off the bike. then you realize that running with no chicken strips mean you probably do not know how to ride.
Most tires have to much clearance for the road, and a good rider can take most road conditions without using them up. Bet most guys who do not have chicken strips also cross double yellow with some part of the bike or their body when doing curves. Which is as smart as putting your fingers jnto a running blender.
Nice threadjacking, me. =p

As far as chicken strips go, what taught me the most about leaning and cornering was swapping out the rear tire for one I couldn't trust (new tire had to be scrubbed in and was insanely greasy until then).

The first day I had it, I took everything gently, but locked up the rear several times, got the tail hanging out more times than I could count, and ran wide everywhere. I *very* quickly learned how to take the same curves without leaning the bike nearly as much.

Result? My chicken strips grew exponentially, but I was moving faster and in better control. As the tires scrubbed in and I gained confidence in the tires, the improvements continued.

In short... chicken strips aren't a valid indicator of rider skill.

But to get back to the original topic:

I get my boots caught on the feelers all the time. I'd rather have those feelers in place, so when I get caught I just drop my ankles below the pegs, kick forwards, and then lift my feet and slide em back then drop em onto the pegs. It was really disconcerting the first couple times, but I've gotten so good at it that I barely even notice the catch or freeing myself.​
when I first rode the FZ8, my pants would sometimes get caught in the peg stub. After a week I instinctively just move my legs in a way so that it doesnt get caught. I wear Dickies most of the time since I ride to work.
I was being lazy and wore some old sweatpants one Sunday to go get food, there was a hole from my heel wearing through the bag of the pant leg. I got them caught. I didn't take them off though and just learned to swing my legs forward or when taking off I have my legs to the side and then rest my shins on the rear set before swinging them out and up
I think at first not having chicken strips are a point of pride, till you learn how to lean off the bike. then you realize that running with no chicken strips mean you probably do not know how to ride.
Most tires have to much clearance for the road, and a good rider can take most road conditions without using them up. Bet most guys who do not have chicken strips also cross double yellow with some part of the bike or their body when doing curves. Which is as smart as putting your fingers jnto a running blender.

Agree, while I do not consider myself a good rider, I have learned that during the times where I have scraped the pegs are usually when I messed up my line or gone in a little too hot on a decreasing radius and had to lean too far just to get thru it. I am learning to get off of the bike sooner and turn it in when needing a little more lean.