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e.g. the need for multi-round clips.

How would that have changed anything? He already had MULTIPLE *Magazines. He reloaded a number of times. It would not have changed anything. Bring more magazines.

Do you mean only hold 1 round? So I get one shot to fight back? No one is that good of a shot. Especially in those extreme tense moments.
BTW, here are my babies


my first custom ar build


my work pistol


my home defense weapon


and my plinker

I don't feel the need to own high capacity mags. Saying that I own 2 high capacity mags for a Rugar 10/22. Both of those mags were given to me. I think that the speed at which a mag can be swapped negates any argument for or against these mags. If you pull up shooting competitions on Youtube you will see what I mean.
Ban guns and then what? We can no longer defend ourselves against the crazies with guns. Criminals do not obey gun laws. They are criminals, remember?

It IS American culture. Our bill of RIGHTS gives us that right.

These are not GUN problems. They are people problems. You think if he could not have a gun he would not have come up with any other way to cause mass harm? Look at the bombings, the airplanes on 9/11, suicide bombers etc. No guns. Were you all crying to ban airplanes? Why are cigarettes still legal? Alcohol? 10x more deaths related to those. No one is crying about that... Why?

Second hand smoke kills 53,800 people a year. SECOND HAND SMOKE! Lets focus on guns though... Right.

Again, i'm a gun noob so sorry if I don't understand. Maybe our cultures are too different. I'm not suggesting banning guns... but it seems too easy in the states to grab a hold of long barrel guns.

I agree that there are many other ways to cause harm and most of the problem IS the people, but I think the image on guns is smeared when some of those kids were pumped with 12 bullets...Sure bombs and airplanes could happen but what happened after those incidents? Airport security got tighter, if you happen to buy tons of fertilizer now you immediately get flagged. It seems to me that all those precautions are welcomed but as soon as gun laws are suggest its suddenly taboo because of 2ndA. There's got to be a middle ground somewhere. But you can't say guns are not responsible at all.

Your argument on alcohol and smoke is a weak one because those are still hot topics and the laws are consistently changing. I can remind you that 15 years ago you could smoke in public buildings and RIDE programs were almost non-existent(at least in Canada)
Again, i'm a gun noob so sorry if I don't understand. Maybe our cultures are too different. I'm not suggesting banning guns... but it seems too easy in the states to grab a hold of long barrel guns.

I agree that there are many other ways to cause harm and most of the problem IS the people, but I think the image on guns is smeared when some of those kids were pumped with 12 bullets...Sure bombs and airplanes could happen but what happened after those incidents? Airport security got tighter, if you happen to buy tons of fertilizer now you immediately get flagged. It seems to me that all those precautions are welcomed but as soon as gun laws are suggest its suddenly taboo because of 2ndA. There's got to be a middle ground somewhere. But you can't say guns are not responsible at all.

Your argument on alcohol and smoke is a weak one because those are still hot topics and the laws are consistently changing. I can remind you that 15 years ago you could smoke in public buildings and RIDE programs were almost non-existent(at least in Canada)

and a handgun fixes the issue. NO. I realize your a noob as you put it and no offense it shows. Anyone could have inflicted that same damage with a handgun and actually he had 2 handguns on him and used them
Anyone could have inflicted that same damage with a handgun and actually he had 2 handguns on him and used them

You really don't think the damage would have been less if he only had the 2 handguns? If you're suggesting handguns have the same capabilities of AR-15's then I REALLY don't understand guns...

Again not lobbying to ban long-barrels or handguns... but why is it so easy to buy one?

We can debate this for 100 pages... I'm just going to end it on that note. Take the NRA tactic and go silent until the heat dies down.
I wasnt go to weigh in here, but I feel I have a valid point.
One part of American culture I have never realy embraced is the gun scene.

Growing up in England, about the only time we saw firearms was on a farm!

One of the great things about The US is The Constitution, and I agree with all of it. Including the right to bear arms. That being said, this right has certainly contributed to these horrific murders.

So where does that leave us? The right to bear arms will never be removed, and responsible people will still buy and collect weapons. Hopefully, they will not fall into the wrong hands, although I'm sure that happens occasionally.

It is so ridiculously easy to buy illegal or unchecked guns here, the crims dont need to bother buying them legally.

I enjoy a little target shooting from time to time and know my way around a gun quite well. I have friends that own many, and to them, owning multiple weapons is no different than owning multiple bikes. I dont judge them for it, but I also don't quite understand it either.

This country has been firearm friendly for too many years to stop. It is now a part of everyday life. How do we prevent these tradgedies from happening?
I dont have the answer, the people that are commiting these murders are obviously not of sound mind and often leave many clues to those that are close to them. Denial perhaps?

I think self protection is an option, if you are comfortable, but do we want everybody running around with pistols in their pockets? The fact that some do and some dont, and you never know who does. That is probably quite a deterent to the average mugger or rapist.

To sum up, if you feel the need to keep an AR15 or any other weapon of similar capabilities, I hope that you are responsible enough to ensure it never causes the kind of pain and suffering that happened last week.
I myself dont see the need, but that is just my opinion.

Anyway, if the Ruger 40 cal under my bed doesn't stop you, I'm not going to have time to go and get another gun.
As a Canadian I agree with Camo. I have nothing against guns personally. I'm a gun noob...But I can't begin to comprehend the need for such "big" guns. The need for anything with a larger capacity then a handgun or hunting rifle baffles me.

Maybe it is just American culture like Football lol

In my opinion owning and shooting gun's is as American as apple pie, culture? I guess so. Large caliber? Very few citizens own or shoot .50 BMG,
I enjoy shooting ar-15's they are a blast and a lot of fun. and as said the .223 rd is a fairly small. shooting is a hobby as is riding bikes
I DO NOT want to shoot someone, but by god you threaten me or my family's life
or steal my shit or come in my house? guess what
I am for guns. I love them. I love going shooting. But the access level people have to them is not right. Are they just kept in a kitchen drawer?
One thing all these school shootings have is yes, the shooters are not of sound mind. The majority of them kids them selves.
Since when do u know a kid to think rationally in the heat of a moment. If access to these weapons wasnt so easy, they may have a chance to cool down instead of going and shooting shit up. It might not beth gun law that needs looking at here. But gun storage laws and strong enforcement of it...
ya'll should be buying the stuff on a regular basis. Kinda reactive to go out and buy something after a tragedy such as this has happened. I remember the band on short stocks in Texas years ago. Everyone was all pissed when they couldnt get one, did you not think about it prior? If not, why is it so detremental now!

Same with ammo, every gun show I go to I get a few rounds for all my weapons. I think I am sitting on over 2K rounds for my 223, about 500 for the 7mm, about 5 ammo cans full of 12 gauge, about a thousand rounds for the 30/30, couple hundred for the 243, and well over 2K rounds for all my 9mm's. I have been purchasing ammo and weapons every chance I can. A little fore thought is what we need here. Proactive instead of reactive!


i have all the rifles, pistols, shotguns and compounds i need. i have alot of ammo, but one could always use more.

my wife and i had same issues about gun ownership. she has since changed her tune since she sees my gun safe. not to mention my son and daughter both are very well trained. one of them even filled my freezer with some venison although it was my rifle and my money spent at the processor.
Since Everyone missed what I said about Switzerland let me repeat. The Swiss have a people's militia not an army. That means the mass public is armed and there to defend the country. We don't often hear of these horrible acts there. Why? What are they doing different? I don't know but, I do know guns aren't the problem, people are.
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Make it simple, stricter gun control laws won't stop these kind of things from happening, if someone wants to get a gun there are back doors they can threw.. making it more difficult form law abiding citizens to acquire the means to protect them self's isn't gonna make the problem go away but in fact might make it worse.. cause now all the people that wanna do these horrible acts can continue to do so, labeled gun free zones I believe are a horrible idea.. that's just telling the baddies that this is an area they can attack with no resistance. But I do think it should be mandatory for people who want to own a gun to go threw a gun safety course before being able to buy one... guns are not the problem its the people, take away the guns and u open the flood gates for something worse to happen, the whole incident could have been ended much sooner if teachers were allowed to Cary.. schools are way to vulnerable to scum like that guy, he knows its a gun free zone so no one there short of a cop can stop him from hurting people. Want a gun... should have to do the safety course and an extensive psych eval before being considered
Since Everyone missed what I said about Switzerland let me repeat. The Swiss have a people's militia not an army. That means the mass public is armed and there to defend the country. We don't often hear of these horrible acts there. Why? What are they doing different? I don't know but, I do know guns are the problem, people are.

Reason why, no one there is dumb enoght to start something knowing almost everyone around him is probably carrying, that's actually a prime example showing guns aren't the problem its the idiots using them for the wrong reason
Something DOES need to happen. That we can ALL agree on. Who has proposed at least some ideas that can work??? The NRA this morning.

NRA: The National School Shield

Only sane idea so far. You want to protect your children at school? ARM THE STAFF!

NRA is offering free training for those that want it. The choice is theirs if they want to protect the kids. School shootings would dramatically drop and be far less severe with armed staff.

Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.
Since Everyone missed what I said about Switzerland let me repeat. The Swiss have a people's militia not an army. That means the mass public is armed and there to defend the country. We don't often hear of these horrible acts there. Why? What are they doing different? I don't know but, I do know guns are the problem, people are.

This is a little inaccurate. Yes it is a militia, but they are mostly conscripts and are as well trained as an official soldier would be.
Im sure there are plenty of active soldiers across the world with access to weapons that perhaps shouldn't.
It is just not called The Swiss Army...perhaps because a certain knife manufacturer has the rights to that name?

Anyway, how can you trust a Country that banned all forms of motor racing from 1955 untill 2008 because of an accident that happened in another country..yet allowed a company like Rinspeed to build the most way out car shit immaginable.. Just my :2cents:
I wasnt go to weigh in here, but I feel I have a valid point.
One part of American culture I have never realy embraced is the gun scene.

Growing up in England, about the only time we saw firearms was on a farm!

One of the great things about The US is The Constitution, and I agree with all of it. Including the right to bear arms. That being said, this right has certainly contributed to these horrific murders.

So where does that leave us? The right to bear arms will never be removed, and responsible people will still buy and collect weapons. Hopefully, they will not fall into the wrong hands, although I'm sure that happens occasionally.

It is so ridiculously easy to buy illegal or unchecked guns here, the crims dont need to bother buying them legally.

I enjoy a little target shooting from time to time and know my way around a gun quite well. I have friends that own many, and to them, owning multiple weapons is no different than owning multiple bikes. I dont judge them for it, but I also don't quite understand it either.

This country has been firearm friendly for too many years to stop. It is now a part of everyday life. How do we prevent these tradgedies from happening?
I dont have the answer, the people that are commiting these murders are obviously not of sound mind and often leave many clues to those that are close to them. Denial perhaps?

I think self protection is an option, if you are comfortable, but do we want everybody running around with pistols in their pockets? The fact that some do and some dont, and you never know who does. That is probably quite a deterent to the average mugger or rapist.

To sum up, if you feel the need to keep an AR15 or any other weapon of similar capabilities, I hope that you are responsible enough to ensure it never causes the kind of pain and suffering that happened last week.
I myself dont see the need, but that is just my opinion.

Anyway, if the Ruger 40 cal under my bed doesn't stop you, I'm not going to have time to go and get another gun.

Very well said Sir!
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