Whats up from NJ


New member
What up everyone!! After a small mishap on the Garden State Parkway two summers ago (followed by a baby and a new house) I am finally back two wheels. oh, how I have missed it too..

I have been riding for just about 8 years now....before my FZ8 I rode the crap out of a YZF600R. I got a little side tracked after going down but hope to put some miles on the FZ8 the rest of this summer and the fall.

If anyone around north NJ is looking to ride feel free to get in touch.

Be safe everyone

Welcome back! If you don't mind, you should post your story about going down, I'm just curious and always like to hear about how people walk away.

Congrats on the baby! And your child too ;-)


No mames wuey
I dont mind at all.......I was coming home from a long ride, maybe 300-400 miles for the day. I was on the highway about 3 miles from my house (I could actually see my exit ramp). I signaled to change lanes and moved from the left to the right lane. I passed one car and the car in front of that guy changed lanes and then slammed on his breaks. I grabbed a little to much front break and was thrown from the bike onto the shoulder of the road.

I was wearing full gear so my injuries were pretty minimal. A zipper on the arm of my jacket opened so I had some road rash on my forearm and I banged my knee up a little bit. I wasnt going very fast when I went down either since I was getting ready to get off the highway and there was some traffic. Maybe 35-40mph.

Right after it happened I jumped up, made sure everything was intact, and grabbed my bike which was still in the middle of the right lane. Thankfully someone stopped (not the guy who cut me off). They offered to call the police but the bike started right up and besides being a littled freaked out my injuries were very minor.

I have no idea why that guy pulled out in front of me then hit his brakes, their was nobody in front of him. I am assuming he was talking on his phone or was suprised to see me back there since he was right on my front tire. I couldnt tell because his windows were tinted

I am sure I could have avoided this a little better. I let my guard down a bit because I was so close to home and I know I grabbed to much front brake which is a rookie mistake.

The bright side is I was dressed for the occasion so I didnt get to banged up and I am here to talk about it.
Welcome to the forum, I'm from south jersey but when I get out riding I usually head straight up north, if you plan on doing a ride let me know, just give me a little notice so I can clear everything at home
welcome dude...thanks for sharing the story. I'm all for reminders why I need to wear my gear.