
A friend spoke with Yamaha today, they set them so they show your going just a little bit faster than you actually are to avoid being sued over speeding tickets. Yamaha US Motors anyway, welcome to America :welcome:
Yeah just about every vehicule in north america is like that. I have a Speedohealer and calibrated so that when it indicates 124km/h, I'm going 120km/h...so about 3% over. The small buffer can make the difference sometimes between a small ticket and a big one :)
Yeah just about every vehicule in north america is like that. I have a Speedohealer and calibrated so that when it indicates 124km/h, I'm going 120km/h...so about 3% over. The small buffer can make the difference sometimes between a small ticket and a big one :)

Isn't that like setting your clock ahead by 15 minutes so you get up on time? :D
Every street bike I have had is off between 5 and 12%. I want to know what I am doing and not recalc for each bike. When I had 3 bikes, it was really bad. Each was off a different amount. Speedohealer solved the problem for all of them. Even the guy that bought one of my bikes through a dealership after a trade, wondered why the speedo was right on. Told him it had a speedohealer. Great devices, should be on every bike!
12oclocklabs were awesome people to deal with. The post office lost the first speedodrd they sent me, and I called 12oclocklabs to tell them about and they sent me a replacement right away.
I had trouble with mine and last Sunday morning sent an email. The guy responded within 40 minutes!!! On a Sunday! Long story short, mine is an older revision and the FZ1 doesn't like the frequency. They sent me a pre-paid shipping label and I mailed it out Monday. New one with updated firmware that resolves the frequency time and has better smoothing algorithms is on the way.

They didn't care when or where I bought it from, didn't even ask. This is superior customer service!