Space shuttle sighting


I just saw the space shuttle Endeavour fly by and thought I'd just share it.
The (huge) darn thing was too far to get any better pics. I should've jumped on my FZ8 to a better location... It was only flying at 200-250mph, easy to keep up with right?

Space Shuttle Fly By - 3.jpgSpace Shuttle Fly By - 4.jpgSpace Shuttle Fly By - 1.jpgSpace Shuttle Fly By - 2.jpg
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Very nice, 2nd pic w/flags very cool. I got to see the columbia land at edwards afb and the challenger piggyback takeoff the same day on its way to Fl
glad you got to see it!
Very nice, 2nd pic w/flags very cool. I got to see the columbia land at edwards afb and the challenger piggyback takeoff the same day on its way to Fl
glad you got to see it!

Thanks, I had to run to get that flag in.

2 shuttles in one day! That's awesome
That is excellent! I am very jealous. :D

The coolest things I get here are I will occasionally get a black hawk or sea hawk flying low over my house (the Navy do some training at the Air Force base. The Army will occasionally send a black hawk out to show the recruits at the Army base).

Actually one of the coolest things I saw when i was working for the local airline were two F111's doing a mock bombing run on the water tower at the Air Force base. Damn, they were low and fast!
When we lived in Florida, we could see them launch from our house. A truly spectacular sight.
Well, I got up early this morning and got stuck by stupid LA traffic again...
Space Shuttle Endeavour 007.jpg

I guess I didn't get early enough to snap a picture from the front, so the butt will have to do. (it cleared that telephone post by just a few inches...)
Space Shuttle Endeavour 004.jpg

And that's how close it was from us.
Space Shuttle Endeavour 003.jpg
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That's insane mate!! I'd love to take my kids to see something like that..
Goes without saying, as always, great pics again.


That's insane mate!! I'd love to take my kids to see something like that..

It was pretty awesome, lots of families woke up super early to see it. It started its voyage (Mission 26) at 2am this morning, I was only there at 5am.
Later today, they'll use a Toyota Tundra to tow it over the 405 freeway. Interesting that this American icon is being towed by a Japanese truck... But then again, we all ride Japanese bikes.
Nonetheless, there are a few cool videos to watch on the website, check them out. They are all publicity stunt, but still cool.

Edit: Haha, make sure you watch the very last video too, it's Toyota/Nasa's justification for using a Toyota...
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