Philosophy on Wearing Gear


Weekend Rider
I'm FINALLY 100% gear'd out.

Pants, Jacket, Helmet, Gloves, Boots & maybe even special underwear.

Obviously when I go out for a Saturday ride, and riding is my only goal, I'll wear it all.

But...I was wondering what your thoughts are on wearing gear for quick rides or riding to dinner for example. I don't wanna be that guy who walks into the restaurant or movie theater totally gear'd out. But shouldn't wearing gear be something you do all the time when you ride? I mean, just because I'm not going very far doesn't mean my ankles are now impervious to being hurt if I fall.

Safety first right? but if I may poll the audience, "What do you do?"
I always wear my helmet and gloves along with my boots and some kind of jeans on any ride. If I'm going down a highway I wear my leather jacket and Icon Stryker vest also.

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going to work and just general short rides, i wear helmet, boots, gloves, and jacket... if im heading out for thrash, i will throw on my padded, armoured pants.

if im only taking a quick 10-20 ride, say, to the shops or something close- may not even wear a jacket if its hot... lol
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Kevlar jeans, ankle high riding shoes or work boots, a jacket, gloves and helmet if I'm riding around close to home sort of thing.

Textile pants+jacket and my riding boots if I'm heading out for a spirited ride or a day out on the bike.

Leathers for track days and serious road riding.(1 piece)
Actually looking at getting a two piece suit for some bigger rides I've got planned for later in the year. The one piece isn't much fun off the bike and I try to avoid wearing it anywhere but the track.
I don't ever ride in shorts or shirts. I've come off at fairly low speed in regular jeans and a windbreaker type jacket; road rash is a fucking rubbish thing to have to endure as is picking road base and gravel out of it.
ATGAT FTW. I almost always wear helmet, jacket, gloves, boots. The only time I won't wear some of those things is right after I wash the bike and I'm riding around the neighborhood to dry it off. Then, it's only helmet and gloves.
Shoei qwest helmet, icon overlord prime jacket and gauntlets, revit cayanne pants, tcx boots. Everywhere always, work let's me wear bike pants :D
75% of accidents happen within 15 minutes of home, and the ladys don't like road rash scars.
I only wear my two-piece and AStars if I'm going riding to "ride". Local to lunch, mc shop, etc. I'll wear jeans and above ankle boots of some sort. But ALWAYS leather jacket, helmet and gloves.

I know we should always be as safe as possible. We got wives and families and friends. But here's the hundred dollar question:
Are you really gonna change into your leather pants cause you wanna ride your scooter up to the sandwich shop for a quick lunch? NO! So you either take the car or wear all the gear you can put on as you walk out the door. :2cents:
For me, it's all the gear all the time. Shoei quest helmet, Joe rocket alter ego 2 pants and jacket, boots and gloves. These are overpants, so I wear my work pants under them and I have a spare pair of shoes at work.
I always wear Helmet, Jacket, Gloves. I will wear leather dress shoes and jeans/khaki's for just commuting riding.

If I go out for a long ride or where I will be going what I would consider Reasonable & Prudent in less densely populated areas. I put on a pair of overpant that has CE knee guards and soft hip pads.
All the gear all the time - very important.

For me it's over-the-ankle boots, cotton jeans over padded bicyclists' shorts, a synthetic lightly armored rider's jacket, leather armored gauntlets, and a helmet. I add layers under or over that based on conditions (in the cold, several long johns under; in the wet, rubbers over).

To avoid being that guy, you can use a helmet lock to leave the helmet with the bike, and if you have saddlebags/tankbags/etc, gear can get stashed in there.

I use a high-visibility backpack
(which is partially armored). It expands hugely has room for all my gear (including weather gear) plus my helmet. Most bars and restaurants are happy to stash a bag for you, so it's even awesome for dates.
I only wear my two-piece and AStars if I'm going riding to "ride". Local to lunch, mc shop, etc. I'll wear jeans and above ankle boots of some sort. But ALWAYS leather jacket, helmet and gloves.

I know we should always be as safe as possible. We got wives and families and friends. But here's the hundred dollar question:
Are you really gonna change into your leather pants cause you wanna ride your scooter up to the sandwich shop for a quick lunch? NO! So you either take the car or wear all the gear you can put on as you walk out the door. :2cents:

Good point. Kinda like, wear as much as the situation calls for? Or...wear as much as convenient?
Kevlar jeans helmet gloves textile or leather jacket dependent on weather and ankle high riding boots with out fail. Even if your only going to the cafe its easier to change your jacket and shoes than it is to change your skin... theres alot of real stylish kevlar jeans these days and if you rock up on a date wearing your riding boots. You just look even cooler any way when people see your toe sliders worn down to nothing ;)
You wil find that statistically you are more likely to have an "off" on those short rides, as your mind is not fully on riding.
Then it depends on value you put on your skin.
Ask yourself do you look sillier wearing bike gear to the diner OR losing the skin on your limbs ???
I always wear even the minimum of kevlar jeans and jacket.
Just my opinion :)
All the gear, all the time. Dainese laguna Seca two piece suit, shoei helmet, dainese gloves, sidi vertigo corsa boots, kriega r25 ruck sack
I always wear my safety bandana, my safety Oakleys, my safety t-shirt and shorts and of course, my below ankle but padded strap, flip-flops.

I dont bother with gloves because I find it hard to hold my spliff with them.
I want to be "that guy". You know the one who rides safely and protects himself. There are too many idiots out there and a mishap can happen anytime. I have seen too many cases where having the right gear saved a lot of pain and suffering.

I also include ear plugs as part of my safety gear.
I want to be "that guy". You know the one who rides safely and protects himself. There are too many idiots out there and a mishap can happen anytime. I have seen too many cases where having the right gear saved a lot of pain and suffering.

I also include ear plugs as part of my safety gear.

I see. Maybe a better question for you is, how and where do change/ store your gear? What if you're going to a movie?

I guess if it's a formal dinner, I'm better off just driving.