New Guy in Suwanee, GA


Motorcycle Fanatic
Hey all, I just joined the forum even though I don't have an FZ8 yet. I've got three motorcycles that I'm in the process of selling so I can get an FZ8. It all started with a Demo day at my local Yamaha dealer. I rode an FZ8 and now I have to have one. I'll be reading the forum to get caught up on all the stuff about FZ8's. Thanks.
Welcome to the forum and good luck on a speedy acquisition of your FZ8 :)
Thanks! I finally got my FZ8 on June 28th. :D

Hey what's goin on Georgia brother. Glad you got your new bike. SV's are pretty cool. I started on a Ninja650, nice bike as well. They sound really neat with an aftermarket pipe. I'm going to be up your way a few times in August. Infact, me and Lyric are planning on getting together at the end of August. I've got another trip planned, but it's going to be with the wife, tubing, rafting, and such.