Mods done, for now

I dont think I need to buy anything else for a while, so I'll be fine :)

Yeah right! Your about as bad as me, wait another week you'll be ordering something! My tank grips should be in Monday!
I just moved in a new house so plenty of things to burn money on lol! But if I need to add just ONE more thing...would be the exhaust, but I still love the stock so really not in a hurry for the rest I really like it as it is, really :)
so ... the belly pan really changes the look of the bike a lot. and its a pretty subtle mod for the effect it gives in my opinion. i was against them when i saw them on yamaha website. but they really look good.
so ... the belly pan really changes the look of the bike a lot. and its a pretty subtle mod for the effect it gives in my opinion. i was against them when i saw them on yamaha website. but they really look good.

Got pics! Id really like to see it in person, does it take away from the street fighter feel?
On Speedo's pics. you can see them on the second pic and the second to last pic. I would say it takes away from the nakedness yes. But it is ever so slight. Still think they look sharp.
oh no shi!t I didnt even notice it! sweet. It would hide the ugly looking stock header that looks like crap compared to other bikes Ive seen.

Here's a better shot of the belly pan (before I removed those big fat mirrors). I still don't understand how plastic can be so expensive..but anyways, I like as it takes the attention of those ugly welds on the middle exhaust section...

And what seems attached to the belly pan but isnt is simply the center stand (yamaha option)
nice, I like the center stand idea for my garage. It would be great to be able to grease the chain easy. I was thinking of throwing the gold stand connectors on the real whel and buy a bike prop stand, but would rather spend money on the fun stuff for now :)
yeah whats great about the center stand is if you ride a lot and do long distance trips you can grease the chain easily, anywhere.
Came free with the UK street pack FZ8, you can find them on yamahas website under FZ8 accesories. It's alaminium, so quite a dark matt finish and it's a radiator guard.....well it hiodes the bug dents LOL

Center stand is a great help in basic maintinance stuff, shame it dosn't come as standard :(
yeah I think I paid over 250$ for the center stand, but was well worth it. Also practical in the summer when asphalt is new and hot, less chances of the bike tipping over...