Mod Fever


New member
Well I couldn't stand my bike stock anymore so I went out and purchased the following items:

- Graves Motorsport Full Exhaust System
- Fender Eleminator
- Front/Rear LED turn signals
- Power Commander V
- PC Auto-Tune

I got the parts in on Saturday/Monday and i've been tinkering in my garage for the past 3 nights. In between Family/Work/School, night time seems to be the only time I have for myself.

Tonight was the last install, which was the PCV and Auto-tune. The instructions stated to have a pre-loaded map on the PCV that closely matches your mods in order for the Auto-tune to work properly. Unfortunetly all the URL's to the maps on are broken. Does anyone have a copy of some maps I can try? Also how do you know if the Auto-tune is working correctly? I connected my netbook after the ride and the default Auto-tune folder was gone. I checked the settings and everything was checked on.

I took a quick spin on post here but wasn't able to open it up since it is late at night and I don't want to tick off the MP's. Hopefully I'll have some time this week to take some pics or post a video. I am really happy with the exhaust system, hearty tone and I like the low profile of the CF can.
There should be a link on the PCV site that says something like "Download all maps in a zip file". That one has always worked for me.

Did you put the tiny black jumper in the 2nd port on either the PCV or the autotune? That not being there will keep it from working.

You should have trim tables in your map with auto tune. If those aren't being populated after a ride, something isn't right.
I'll try doing that, thanks for the tip. As for the maps, i'll check out the sight once again. I have a couple minutes before I take off for work so I'll mess w/ it right now.

Thanks again.
Thanks again Lyric, downloaded the Termi map and made a world of a difference. PCV+Auto-tune is a game changer and highly recommend it to all.

Here some pics I snapped off on the way home from work. Only downside to where I live is that we have red dirt, so keeping a commuter clean can really be a pain in the butt.




Thanks again Lyric, downloaded the Termi map and made a world of a difference. PCV+Auto-tune is a game changer and highly recommend it to all.

Here some pics I snapped off on the way home from work. Only downside to where I live is that we have red dirt, so keeping a commuter clean can really be a pain in the butt.





I put my base stickers in the same spot! HAHA!
I see you have the Mil-spec version (flat paint). You can always tell the MP's, it is an official vehicle.
Whats a PCV

Hi Ramrod, please tell me what a PCVt auto tune is and what does it do to the fz8? I have a 2012 fz8 with a few mods, nothing performance though. I changed out my stock levers to Pazzo's, Renthal gold bars, tail tidy, sliders, radiator guard. Was thinking about a slip on silencer.
Thanks, also are those pics on Kam Hwy. or kunia Rd. ?
Howzit man? The Autotune works in conjunction with the PCV, it monitors the Air-Fuel Ratio via the wide band o2 sensor and keeps the AFR within the inputed AFR table on the PCV. Unlike PCV and tuning, autotune changes the fuel trim levels while riding in order to stay within the AFR table at all times.

If you get the PCV and Autotune you'll need to get the provided O2 bung welded in. Another option is to get a full exhaust system with two O2 bungs like Graves Motorsport.

Also I took that picture off Kam HWY heading to Wailua. hit me up some time if you want to cruise the Island sometime.
Thanks again Lyric, downloaded the Termi map and made a world of a difference. PCV+Auto-tune is a game changer and highly recommend it to all.

Here some pics I snapped off on the way home from work. Only downside to where I live is that we have red dirt, so keeping a commuter clean can really be a pain in the butt.





Where did you clamp your exhaust? I've been wanting to get rid of my rear pegs for some time but I can't find another place to bolt the exhaust bracket to.
Where did you clamp your exhaust? I've been wanting to get rid of my rear pegs for some time but I can't find another place to bolt the exhaust bracket to.

The System came with an exhaust bracket that mounts right underneath the rear sets.

