

New member
Has anyone considered getting rid of the front headlight and "fairing/windscreen" and mounting a couple of big round beauties? I really like the way the duel headlight looks on other bikes but haven't taken all the bits off front to see if it will look right on our bikes or not. The other question is how to mount it. I have a cousin who could probably make a custom one for me if it makes sense. Any thoughts?
I think that would look good. It can't hurt to try, just don't make any mods that you can't undo.
they usually make pretty sweet looking setups for streetfighters that you can use... it all depends on sizes of forks and spreads mostly. our "fairing" is made up of many rather small pieces that fit together like a jenga puzzle, so ripping all that out will just leave exposed wires that you can wireloom or hide somehow with a blackbox or whatever...

XPO StreetFighter, Inc. Store - Detail is one such example.


I did it to my 1200 Bandit a few years back, I will try find some pics to show you. I am planning on doing it to the 8 but will wait untill winter.
Give me something to do.
i have had the front off three times, all is very easy with a total of 11 bolts removed. less than 15 minutes.
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I happen to like our stock headlamps a lot but the matte black duals work too. here it is, a side by side comparison. seriously doesnt get any better then that.

live life love and peace all.
is that an R1 stripped naked?

Yes it is an r1, with 100 zip ties and a couple cans of black krylon later. good eye. it was hard for me to tell.

they guy told me that he didnt do it on purpose. crashed the bike at a track, stripped it down and he was planning to cover it back up but he loved the look so much (rat, steam-punk, mad max) that he just kinda kept it like that and just bought another r1. he says he gets more compliments, looks, and questions with this bike then his new r1.

rich mofo...

nah he's a nice guy. im only haten cause im jealous.
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I've given a lot of thought to replacing the headlight with something less Transformer-esque, but I can't help but notice that as much as I don't like the look, the boffins at Yamaha have really done an extraordinary job of using the headlight and the little doohicky on top of it to direct airflow. I've had mostly naked bikes and this one does by far the best job of sending air up and over. I'd be really interested for a back to back comparison of that between a stocker headlight arrangement and something like the twin cans style light.

I'd be really surprised if the cans did anything like the job that the big ugly Transformer light does. Aesthetically, I'd love to be wrong, but I strongly suspect that functionally it's better.
I happen to like our stock headlamps a lot but the matte black duals work too. here it is, a side by side comparison. seriously doesnt get any better then that.

live life love and peace all.

That R1 looks great. It would look even better if he tucked some of those wires.
those head lights look like they are dominator headlights i bought a set for the sv i wrecked!



sorry about the image size i can barley turn on a computer let alone change an image size