grooved pavement and those bridges that you can see through the bottom


New member
I went downtown for lunch today, and I love zipping through and around the overpasses around here, usually really smooth and fast merges with minimal traffic during the day.

I dropped down onto one offramp today, however and dove into the corner and hit some grooved pavement for about 300 yards, or the entire sweeping curve...

did NOT like how my stockers wobbled and hobbled through that sweeping curve... AT ALL. It felt like I was crossing that bridge up on the Columbia River - HOOD RIVER BRIDGE - where it's just grates, and your wheels shift left or right as you hit each of the grate peices. very unnerving.

I moved over at least a foot if not 2 from slippage and hobbling, and definitely slowed my speed until the straightaway. :tdown:
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that mess is all over here in dfw. i know for sure it is on 20 west where it and 820 north split. it is also on 287 north where it splits from 820. they are leaving it!!:eek:


New member
here in the late great state of kelifourna. the cal-trans/dot is doing this all over the state were some bad accidents have happened, as it tends to slow some cars down a couple miles per hour.
the lifted 4x4 street trucks wobble around, the soccer moms hate the noise, the junk cars loose parts, the drunks spill there drinks. and bikes can not keep a semi straight line. :eek:
