**Graphic** I am the latest dummy


New member

Yesterday I was headed home w/o any of my gear on like a moron. I make a turn I have made a thousand+ times going a little faster than normal there is a little more loose gravel than normal and I start to slide a tiny bit. Well my reaction to touch the front brake was a bad idea as I low-sided (I think that is what it is called) the bike and jacked up my shoulder, arm, leg and ankle. Needless to say I don't really need anyone to tell me "I told you so!" or "ATGATTTTTTTT!" me to non-existance. Just wanted to remind everyone including myself not to take riding loosely. I jumped up let out a very loud scream and a few explicatives picked up my bike and rode it home like a boss!

Bike isn't toooo bad considering how fast I was actually traveling. Bent handlebars, small dent in the tank, scraped the plastic above the tank, bent the gear selector in and scraped the side of the engine.





last piece of advice IF you have road rash I would recommend a product called "tegaderm" film by 3M. It acts as new skin kind of :)

UPDATE ~~~~~

So I woke up and found this today. It's a nasty bruise from the top of my hip to the middle of my thigh
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thats gotta sting. glad you are still on the planet. the hell with luggage, im going for body armor
holy crap. bad flashbacks from my past when I saw your pix. that is pretty medium rare.

As always, thanks for the reminder that came at a pretty big cost to your flesh.

Tegaderm for the win. It's a little expensive, but it's better than picking gauze out of wounds. I think its so gross when the tegaderm catches a bubble of pus. yum.
Thanks for reminding everybody of how important it is to wear full gear at all times, regardless of how long or short your ride will be or weather conditions.
Wish you a speedy recovery man!
duuuude Mike, thanks for the share...glad it didn't turn out worse brotha, hope you heal up fast.

I'll admit I've been squidding it up around here lately...getting a little over confident I think.

This definitely brings me back down to earth.
duuuude Mike, thanks for the share...glad it didn't turn out worse brotha, hope you heal up fast.

I'll admit I've been squidding it up around here lately...getting a little over confident I think.

This definitely brings me back down to earth.

This is exactly what I was doing burning into corners over confident with my sandals and shorts on! I learned the hard way!
Ouch, get well soon dude. My nuts just receded into my crotch seeing those picture. Will be wearing jacket full time now. I'm sorry man, I will definitely bookmark this and send it to any friends who ask me why i ride in 90s degree weather with a jacket gear on.
damn....just looking at the pictures makes me squeemish, and I dont easily get like that. Glad you are ok though, the damage looks bad but glad you are still with us!!!

The only time I went squid was when I was riding my buddy's bike testing it out, I was miles away from home. I am always intent on riding with my jacket, helmet and pants. My buddies wear protection but sometimes they would wear only shorts, helmets, and no jacket but the Icon vest. Thats great and all, but I really dont want road rash...
I always wear my jackets but i need to invest in some kevlar jeans. thanks for some incentive and get well soon.
I always wear my jackets but i need to invest in some kevlar jeans. thanks for some incentive and get well soon.

@Roadkill...This life experience has taught me that I am just a passenger! I have to submit to the power of the bike. I was too over confident! I will be wearing all the gear all the time from now on whenever I ride

damn....just looking at the pictures makes me squeemish, and I dont easily get like that. Glad you are ok though, the damage looks bad but glad you are still with us!!!..........

Thanks Rotaryknight...I was taking the corner @ close to 70...It could have ended way worse, my shoe came off and thats when I was able to get away from the bike and started rolling instead of being pushed/dragged under the bike.

Ouch, get well soon dude. My nuts just receded into my crotch seeing those picture. Will be wearing jacket full time now. I'm sorry man, I will definitely bookmark this and send it to any friends who ask me why i ride in 90s degree weather with a jacket gear on.

@Thach1130...I am fully converted to the ATGATT lifestyle after this. I will always be protected while riding from here on out. I have 3 small kids and a beautiful wife I don't want to leave them early. Which is why I am thankful for the road rash...It could have been so much worse!
Thanks for sharing, great reminder of why it is always good to gear up. It is the fear of having that happen to me that keeps me geared. I would rather sweat and feel disgusting, than to not wear gear and go down. It could be much worse than that. If it is bad, you have to go to the hospital, and they would scrub that out to make sure you don't get infected. I get chills just thinking about it.
Thanks for sharing, great reminder of why it is always good to gear up. It is the fear of having that happen to me that keeps me geared. I would rather sweat and feel disgusting, than to not wear gear and go down. It could be much worse than that. If it is bad, you have to go to the hospital, and they would scrub that out to make sure you don't get infected. I get chills just thinking about it.

Honestly that part (the scrubbing) was the very worst!!!!! I scrubbed the sh!t out of all of the abrasions myself. Well my wife helped me get the back of my shoulder and arm. Seriously it took me 2 hours of screaming and cursing to get it cleaned enough to bandage it up. I cringe thinking about it...I went to the hospital and the nurse was like "you did an amazing job cleaning that" I guess I can wear that as a badge of honor! hahaha jk it sucked and dont recommend it to anyone!
My wife screamed at me for buying an expensive leather riding jacket and gear. I will show here these pictures and then make sure she understands as to why.

Thanks for having the cahones to share this with us, as ego would definitely have prevented me from doing so. :eek:
My wife screamed at me for buying an expensive leather riding jacket and gear. I will show here these pictures and then make sure she understands as to why.

Thanks for having the cahones to share this with us, as ego would definitely have prevented me from doing so. :eek:

Honestly I nearly deleted the post a couple of times. Pride is a huge pill to swallow for me--because I know better. My brother nearly died in a motorcycle accident. I have just been driving around lately like I am super man. It's been a big eye opener for me and my family!!
glad ur ok.... but my only question rely is.... does that 3m shit hurt like ****en hell to take off?
Thanks for the reminder. Make your experience (event a bad one) worth it! Sometime I wish I could ride like all those other rider with there shirt under there armpit and feeling the breezes when it's over 90's here in southern Florida... but just the tough of what happen to you make me keep my gears on. Once in a while I go out with jeans if I have to go to a restaurant or something like that...

Take care!