Gas tank and filling up


New member
Just curious-when I fill by bike up to the silver nozzle holder inside the tank, I can just keep filling it up, let it bubble down, fill it up, let it bubble down and can do this till it makes me uneasy so I stop. Where is that fuel going-I thought it might be going out the vent lines but nothing. Is that the reserve tank? Sorry if this is a dumb questions-none of my other bikes have ever been able to add more than a gallon once its "initially" filled up.
Just curious-when I fill by bike up to the silver nozzle holder inside the tank, I can just keep filling it up, let it bubble down, fill it up, let it bubble down and can do this till it makes me uneasy so I stop. Where is that fuel going-I thought it might be going out the vent lines but nothing. Is that the reserve tank? Sorry if this is a dumb questions-none of my other bikes have ever been able to add more than a gallon once its "initially" filled up.

There's not actually a reserve tank. Observe:


So, on older bikes with a manual petcock, setting it to on or primary, would open the valve for the primary fuel pickup. When the engine started to sputter, you'd flip to reserve, which would close the primary and open the reserve. It gives the illusion that there's a separate take, but it's basically just a warning system of just one tank getting low.

I'm 99% sure the Fz8 with it's electronic reserve, is actually just one pickup tube but the tank has a float. When the float reaches a certain point, the dash indicates that you're now on reserve.

To answer the question you asked, the fuel isn't going anywhere. Fuel pumps at filling stations spray the gasoline at a fairly high flow rate/pressure. This splashing into the tank creates bubbles. But unlike soap bubbles, they pop quickly, which then allows you to add more gas.
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Yeah I understand how a gas tank works. I just dont know why on our bikes when it goes to the top of the silver thing in the tank, it will bubble down but stay right at the level, add gas it will go back down to that level again but not lower, and just keep doing that. Also, I sit on the bike when adding gas just for reference. Cars and everything will slowly fill up and then overflow this seems to just keep adding gas and gas. Just something I thought was odd.
Yeah I understand how a gas tank works. I just dont know why on our bikes when it goes to the top of the silver thing in the tank, it will bubble down but stay right at the level, add gas it will go back down to that level again but not lower, and just keep doing that. Also, I sit on the bike when adding gas just for reference. Cars and everything will slowly fill up and then overflow this seems to just keep adding gas and gas. Just something I thought was odd.

You specifically asked if the bubbled gas was going into the "reserve tank". Forgive my skepticism that you already knew what I posted above given the wording of your question. Your last sentence there about filling up a car being different - if you're filling the car with the nozzle on full blast and it spills. If you wait five second, you can generally fit a bit more gas, just the same as on a bike.