First bike...first ride...


New member
Well this weekend I finally received a certificate for passing the basic rider course and on Monday the first thing I did after work was head to the MVA to get my lic.

Yesterday I put about 9 miles on the bike and today another 6. Basically only riding it in a large parking lot and down a traffic filled rode. As of right now this bike still scares the water out of me and I've only manage to get it up to a top speed of 45mph.

Over the next few days I'm going to ride it more and hopefully get use to it so I can take it down some cool roads.

But for now the parking lot is good enough for me.

How long did it take you guys to get use to your first bike?
ill be honest my first bike it took me about 2 weeks of riding to be comfortable. and i still to this day learn a little more every time i ride. ive been riding for 2 years now.
Good move steps! I did the same exact thing...except sub a parking lot for my neighborhood street. G'damn I still remember the first time I hit 30mph. I was like:


I can remember it like it was yesterday was like yesterday haha. I've barely got more time than you on two wheels brotha.

I will agree with was about 2 weeks of super nervous riding for me: trying not to stall at every chance, always worried about shifting i.e. when to shift, when to brake, how hard to brake, trying to stay out of the oily part of the lane but not wanting to get too close to the edge of the lane, etc etc. 55 mph? Forget it, eff you highway, you're too scary.

And then one day I was riding and I literally thought to myself, "whoa...I'm not thinking about the stuff I used to be paranoid about."

Still learning though. Have a lot to learn. Laurel isn't too far man, would love to go for a ride one of these days. I'm only in Rockville.
When I got mine I had no real experience with riding in traffic and shit, I had to ride it home in rush hour traffic, dealer was over an hr away... Needless to say by time I got home me and this baby were one
Well this weekend I finally received a certificate for passing the basic rider course and on Monday the first thing I did after work was head to the MVA to get my lic.

Yesterday I put about 9 miles on the bike and today another 6. Basically only riding it in a large parking lot and down a traffic filled rode. As of right now this bike still scares the water out of me and I've only manage to get it up to a top speed of 45mph.

Over the next few days I'm going to ride it more and hopefully get use to it so I can take it down some cool roads.

But for now the parking lot is good enough for me.

How long did it take you guys to get use to your first bike?
Slow and easy bro... Take it easy at first you'll be a peg grinding BAMF soon :D
:welcome: To the forum! Congrat's on the new bike! I'm sure you will love it! Be careful and take your time getting to know her. Stay in the parking lot until you're comfortable. Get on and get a copy of Twist of the Wrist 2 and read it! The FZ8 is very responsive and the front wheel will come off the ground quite easily! (checking out the new school crossing guard, your left hand's in your lap when your front wheel goes into a dip in the road, before you can regain control you're doing 60 in a school zone on one wheel with one hand) I started small with a Suzuki GS500 and outgrew it within a month but I don't regret it, it was very forgiving of my noob mistakes, I learned a lot and I made a profit on the sale. The front brake on the FZ8 is very powerful (tested this morning) but be careful of the rear brake it locks up very easily.
I would say it took me about 2 weeks as well. I had the dealership deliver my FZ8 (first bike) to my house because they were right on a busy highway and there was no way I was going to take my first ride on a new bike on that.

When I did finally get it home I would go on short rides on familiar roads and always stayed within 10 minutes from home.

Week three I took my first highway ride and have been good ever since. Just be smart and don't get cocky and you should be fine.

I am actually going to be taking one of the advanced rider safety courses in June to further hone my safety and hazard awareness.
Bought mine used in NJ. Left it there for 2 weeks while i work down here. Came back after that and rode it 5 hours back to Nova area. Granted i got caught in the rain on the way back and took a dive down a ditch when i got over confident and ran out of tire taking a near 360 degrees off ramp, but after spending 5 hours on a bike it's hard to not wanting to hop back on. I agree, traffic teaches you great clutch control, that and you learn to space yourself and the car in front so you arrive at the light just as the light turn green so no need to put a foot down.

Also the funny part is the drop bent the rear brake pedal backward so i had no rear brake for the second half of the trip, learned to be extra careful there.
Baby steps indeed! A wise approach. And welcome!

I remember my first rides back in '85 on my '84 550 Nighthawk. It was my first motor vehicle of any sort and I was a nervous kid to boot. I had done the CSC course (still have the card). I ended up in a ditch at 883 kms - hit a tight turn way too hot & couldn't deal with some gravel that had washed into the road. Total inexperience at fault there. I should have known better - I blew the same corner when I was learning & got away with it (blind luck really). Just scratches & bruises. It took me the rest of the season to get over the nervousness. I had the bike until 2000 then sold it to get a car for university.

Fast forward to 2007 before I finally got a bike again (Ninja 650R). Took to it in just a few days & felt more comfortable than I ever did when I had my first bike. Age/wisdom/sense I suppose. Sold the Ninja & got the Fazer8 last June. Love it more with every ride (and every mod!).
K, I have to confess - the very first time I got on the road after the MSF course was right down my neighborhood street. Speed limit 25. I was wondering why there was a car tailgating me - then I looked down and saw I was doing a blazing 17 mph!!!! ROFL.

I spent the first couple of weeks in parking lots and fairly low speed roads. You'll get going in no time.
Congrats on the bike!

As everybody has said, slow and steady. It took me about a day to get used to the fz8, putting down 50 miles or so on the first day. I was already experienced on two wheeled vehicles so it was a quick learning for me. Started from pocket bikes to dirt bikes and now street bikes.

when I took a break from riding for two years, got back to riding a Honda ruckus and doing 30 mph was crazy fast lol. You just want to go faster and faster
Thanks for all the great stories guys. I look forward to the day that I'll be comfortable on this bike.

@Cambo, yeah we definitely need to do a ride some time. I think I saw some other people in the area with FZ8s so maybe we all could get together.
Smart choice! I bought a Ninja 250 for my first bike so the power difference is huge. I took baby steps and kept it in the subdivision for the first few days and practiced braking, turning, and clutch control. I would say that's what made me a "decent" rider.
this is a big bike for a first bike
100 plus ponies and a great torque curve can creep up quick

I would take baby steps til I get used to it

my 3rd bike was an 850 and it spoiled me to middle weight bikes

Good luck and safe riding:welcome:
this is a big bike for a first bike
100 plus ponies and a great torque curve can creep up quick

I would take baby steps til I get used to it

my 3rd bike was an 850 and it spoiled me to middle weight bikes

Good luck and safe riding:welcome:

Yeah I totally agree on this bike being big and fast. During my basic rider course we rode small 250cc standard bikes and at first I thought they were fast. But man was I surprised when I jumped on my FZ8...:eek:

So yesterday I felt like going on more of a ride so I drove about 20 miles, got the bike up to 70mph at one point. It's starting to get more and more comfortable which is good. I think I'll try the hwy soon. :D
I don't want to impede your learning or experiences. Going fast doesn't make you comfortable on the bike, nor a good driver... its when you start cornering, knowing all the variables around you, feeling the bike and road. Its hard to out into words. I feel that comfortable is when you know the bike well enough that you know how it will react to the variables around you, what you do to it, etc. I went 100 MPH my first day on the bike, I was in a 35 MPH zone. Didn't mean to do that. But I rode the hell outta the bike the first day. Put over 100 miles on it. I skipped school for it... Just don't get confidence and cockiness mixed up. Just trying to help you, not bashing you at all. Its for your safety.

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I don't want to impede your learning or experiences. Going fast doesn't make you comfortable on the bike, nor a good driver... its when you start cornering, knowing all the variables around you, feeling the bike and road. Its hard to out into words. I feel that comfortable is when you know the bike well enough that you know how it will react to the variables around you, what you do to it, etc. I went 100 MPH my first day on the bike, I was in a 35 MPH zone. Didn't mean to do that. But I rode the hell outta the bike the first day. Put over 100 miles on it. I skipped school for it... Just don't get confidence and cockiness mixed up. Just trying to help you, not bashing you at all. Its for your safety.

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Yeah I understand what your saying. But I guess we have a different opinion on the definition of comfortable.

When I first took my bike for a ride I didn't even what to take it out of first gear because I was nervous and scared. But yesterday I didn't think twice about taking it down a new road that had a lot more traffic on it...I guess that's what I meant by being comfortable.

I know I still have a lot more to learn but at least I'm not thinking of every little thing I need to do...its more natural now than it was when I first started. But still I plan on taking it slow...heck when I do decide to take my bike on the hwy I'm sure everyone will be driving around me because I'll be going the speed limit.
Yeah. You put it into words. It just starts coming naturally. I had a brain fart. Yeah as you get more and more comfortable, that's when the fun begins. ;)

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Hey Codename,

Being that I am a MSF Ridercoach, I say you are doing the right thing. Take things slow and steady and your skills will improve with seat time. What I would suggest is to make up a route around your neighborhood that is familiar to you and ride that everyday, and the after a while start venturing out further. Always ride your own ride and don't try to keep up with your riding buddies that have been riding longer. Welcome and ride safe.
