Fazer8 (FZ8S) - Headcount & Overall Feeling


New member
Hey Folks,

Reading through the forum here, it appears that most folks have the FZ8N or the naked version. While up here in Canada, we have the choice of getting the FZ8S otherwise known as the Fazer8. Essentially the same bike, with some changes up front due to the fairing on the Fazer8 and the passenger seat/rear section has some changes to it.

So to start the conversation, who has a Fazer8 (FZ8S) and how do you like your ride? Adequate wind protection? Ride quality?

Personally, I took out both the FZ8N and the FZ8S and chose to go with the fairing model simply for the amount of highway driving I do and wanting better protection against the harsh east coast Canadian elements.

Riding every day has been a gem with this beast, and its been very accommodating to most of the road conditions around here. (Saint John, NB)

How do others feel?

Do you prefer the purely naked FZ8N or the slight fairing on the FZ8S (Fazer8)?


I like swinging in the breeze, I couldn't punish my bike with the semi fairing...N model here my man :)
FZ8N for me...The pure naked look is exactly why I bought this bike. I love the naked look. I know most people like fairings but I like to stand out and I don't like dealing with plastics, to me it's just cleaner.
N, nothing else. Testrode both.
S lacks charisma and has this feeling like you are driving with a large box attached to your bike in front :) It is less involving, fells larger and you see more of the bike while riding (i like to see almost no part of it).
Fazer - only because I dont like the crap from the road to land on my jacket, and going over 90 MPH on naked is a bit tiring after few miles
N. It's a good bike, especially for commuting to/from work. For road tripping, I'd have to make serious modifications with regard to comfort/storage, but I've a Harley for those. I was never able to test ride the Fazer, if that were at the dealer instead of the N I wouldn't have bought it. It equates to too much of what I see everyday of the other metric bikes. I like these type (the naked bikes) because they're not seen everyday, almost anywhere. Small/maneuverable enough in almost any traffic condition, but powerful enough to easily keep the flow with any traffic.
Bought the S. Rode the N - liked it too but being chronologically advanced, prefer the mini fairing. :D
I got the S. Liked the bike but not a real fan of the naked look, so S suited me much better. As Ronzo also said, age also played a part in my decision, i'm definitely not eighteen anymore! :depressed: