Carbon Fuber Belly Pan???

Would you be interested in a carbon fiber belly pan?

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Carbon Fiber Belly Pan???

Ok this is a poll to see who would be interested in a carbon fiber belly pan. I just don't like the look of the Yamaha one so since I work at a carbon fiber shop I figures I might make my own. Buti am trying to talk the owners in to possibly selling these out right. But there needs to be an interest.

Everyone I have seen sells for around $220-$250 area and my hope is to come in below that. I don't have a design built yet so I'd there is a style that you like on another bike. Send it to me and I will try and have a few designs. So any input is welcome. Thanks
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I don't mind the Yamaha design but I would love a carbon fiber look and cheaper than stock would be plus.
Yes i would be. I would like to see pictures when you decide on what the design is.

Well the idea that I am looking at now is something small and not too loud and in your face. I am thinking to have it small like the Yamaha one, but I would like to connect across the front of the engine. Similar to this... Rizoma Belly Pan to fit Kawasaki Z750R (2010-)

What do you guys think? Looks like right now it is about a 60/40 vote as to those that would be interested and those that wouldnt. It will take some time to get things going, so please dont expect anything right away. But if this works out I think it will be a nice set up.
Well the idea that I am looking at now is something small and not too loud and in your face. I am thinking to have it small like the Yamaha one, but I would like to connect across the front of the engine. Similar to this... Rizoma Belly Pan to fit Kawasaki Z750R (2010-)

What do you guys think? Looks like right now it is about a 60/40 vote as to those that would be interested and those that wouldnt. It will take some time to get things going, so please dont expect anything right away. But if this works out I think it will be a nice set up.

Ran across this site tonite,

Advertised as carbon/fiberglass belly pan for $172.20, no picture
maybe if you make one that's in a paintable resin so people aren't just limited to the carbon look?
Well the idea that I am looking at now is something small and not too loud and in your face. I am thinking to have it small like the Yamaha one, but I would like to connect across the front of the engine.

I already have the yamaha belly pan but would love to have one that connects across the front! And if it's carbon fiber that's even better.
belly pan

count me in if paintable and connects in front. i also would like to know if fz1 belly pan fits fz8