

New member
Fairly ridiculous that police could confiscate the footage on the camera and use it against them. Kind of like a twisted version of self incrimination.


Super Moderator
they had multiple 911 calls... video was just a bonus....

words of wisdom taught to me many years ago, if you don't want your Mom seeing a picture of you naked, or a sex tape.... don't let someone take a pic of you naked, or make a sex tape. period.

how many more people are going to film themselves breaking the law, only to have that used against them later.... lessons learned


New member
let see

how stupid can you be?

you video yourself doing crime

that is so funny

I love it, more criminals should do such so we can fine or jail more of them

this is sooooooooooooooooo priceless, shows just how much of morons they were

9 Lives

New member
There was some guy on Vancouver Island who was doing 300 Kmph a very busy highway and posted the video on u tube, the cops used it to nail him. Over $1500 in fines, lost his license and bike. Lets do something stupid and highly illegal, take a video of it then post it on u tube, brilliant. To quote Forrest Gump's drill instructor "why your a god*amn genius gump"
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New member
If I decide to go riding with a bunch of my friends, and decide to stop at a harley hangout because a few of the guys are on harleys, and I do a stoppy in front of the establishment because I can and they can't, I do not want video of that or the wheelie I pull when we leave recorded. I know what I can do, I do not need video because I need to impress people. If I thought so little of myself I needed video, I deserve to have the cops nail me because of it.


New member
If I decide to go riding with a bunch of my friends, and decide to stop at a harley hangout because a few of the guys are on harleys, and I do a stoppy in front of the establishment because I can and they can't, I do not want video of that or the wheelie I pull when we leave recorded. I know what I can do, I do not need video because I need to impress people. If I thought so little of myself I needed video, I deserve to have the cops nail me because of it.

I couldn't have said it better