Best bike camera so far


New member
Ok so this isn't specific to the FZ8. But I'm a photographer, and hated to carry around my Canon 5DII with a few lenses on my long trips. As much as I liked having it accessible, it never was really. As I had to pack it super waterproof, and it ended up being in a bag with a few more electronic gadgets and cables and what not. So just the thought of struggling to take the camera out of the bag was enough to leave it there.

I made some awesome trips and everytime I was disappointed with how little pictures I actually took.

Now I bought the iPhone 4S that has a nice 8MP (and seriously the quality has NOTHING to do with a real DSLR but it's suprisingly good considering how small the sensor and lens is). Bottomline, you unzip your jacket, take a few snaps, put it back in your jacket and you're on your way. So wish this would have been invented a few years ago.

Here are a few snapshots I took today. (I couldnt resist having a little fun with the vintage processing apps, but you can take normal pics too).
Really for traveling snapshots, this little camera is just perfect, it even does HD video.







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man that road looks like it would be EVIL in a nasty crosswind... AWESOME pictures!!
Thanks man. Fortunately it isn't that windy around here. This is a great road for top speed testing (in the parts where there's no farms) as nothing can jump in front of you on the road you have perfect visibility on both sides.
I am also an avid, but not pro, photographer. Nice pictures. Very well composed.
They look great..May have to upgrade my Iphone soon by the looks of that.
Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks. This was shot last night at ISO 800, you can see in low light grain becomes intrusive but for 90% of the time, images are super clean. I'm taking more pictures now then I would ever had before. (This is my winter project of a 1983 Yamaha VX500 bobber)
Actually, I think the noise in that shot just adds to the appeal of the bobber
Yeah downsized at that size its ok, but when looking at the full rez version it gets messy. The sensor is just so small anytime camera needs to go above ISO400, you know it will get noisy pretty quick, but even then, if it's just for travel souvenirs, still not an issue.
Camera for filming my rides

I use a Contour HD - already owned one for mountain bike filming, so it was an easy cross over to motorcycling. I have a handlebar XL mount and use it to record my rides. The 16gig micro card gives me about 4 hours of recording. The battery last about 2.5 hours, so I have two.

Contour | Products | Contour Roam

It gives me a slight sense of security 'just in case' some cell phone toting armored vehicle driving moron decides to try to ruin my day.
Its also great for recording my scenic rides and riding techniques to evaluate for improvement.

As for taking pictures of my FZ8, my HTC EVO just isn't worthy. I use my digital Nikon.