

wheelies are the best part of these bikes that and big burnouts. rev to 8000rpms drop the clutch and let the fun begin ,i have buddies with 9 sec bikes and i can 60foot them at the drags cause the have no balls did i mention i ride a rd350 l/c for the last 30 years power wheelies are were its at no clutching for me.
Um, I think most on this forum are not into wheelies anymore is not because the bike is "expensive". Because they are not.
I just think that most FZ8 owners are in the above 30 age group and have lived through the whole "wheelies on the street are cool" phase.

Dont get me wrong, I have done my fair share of "acting like a douche" on public highways, and occasionally still do. Its just that most of us on here did not buy this bike to reduce front tire wear.

It is your bike, your life and if you want to ride around on the back wheel all day long, knock yourself out. I love seeing a good one hoisted.

Oh, one more thing. Not so sure you have "full control" on the back wheel at 70! Especially when a cage wants to ruin your day.

Stay safe grasshopper :fiddy:

Thanks for that. I meant no offence to anyone and I know one day I won't wanna do wheelies, but until that day comes. I'm gonna wheelie till my hearts desire is fufilled :p lol. I just started power wheelies today, been doing clutch wheelies since the second day of my owning the bike. I know when it goes to far to lock the rear brake and let off the throttle. I'm not saying I am perfect, I have had my scares but I just find them fun. Girls like them too XD.

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Can't remember a bike I've ridden that I haven't done a wheelie on! I was really surprised when a friend offered a ride on his Hyabusa and said "Give it some". Came back and said its a bit gutless under 6000 and then the front comes up. He gave me the you're kidding look like you didn't. I just shrugged and said I gave it some.
I think it comes from being a dirt bike rider. Being able to wheelie on command is a skill that you need on the dirt. Come around a corner and find a log across the track, pop the front up. Just seems natural to learn how to do the same on any other bike. And its FUN
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Never mind the RPM. You can have 10.000 RPM and the bike still wont go up.
It all depends on how much throttle you give.
You can move the throttle 2 cm and gain the RPM to 10.000 but it will not give as much gas in to the engine as you will need. If move the throttle to max, you can still gain the RPM up to 10.000, but more gas will move in to the engine and give you more HP out to the wheel. To look on the RPM your focus wont be on the road, and its better to just learn how to make the bike go up by feeling.

I think on this video my RPM is about 4500-5000, but the throttle is almost to the max. At half throttle, the bike might go up at 10.000 RPM.. Dont know if I make a point here? =)
My english typing sux =)
So dont bother look at the RPM, in the end it always depens on how much gas you will allow to the engine.
I try to stay away from wheelies, one mistake and your bike is toast. I do them every now an then when I'm on an open country road with no cars in sight. Fist gear wheelie without clutch can get away from you fast so I wouldn't recommend it if you are just starting out. I clutch up 2nd gear with no issues but I try to keep the front wheel now higher than 2 to 3 ft off the ground. I have gotten to balance point a few times but its very sketchy. One you are in balance point, one little crack in the road can throw off your power control. If the tire bumps, your rear tire picks up speed and back you go. I agree with the other guys, if you want to learn, get a cheap little 250 and play around with it. The 8 is very heavy and has a lot of low end power so not the best practice bike for stunting.
1st gear about 30mph drop the throttle and hammer it back. When your on a curve push on the peg that is the direction you want to go (wanna go left then push on your left peg). At around 70 your on your way down so at 60-65 let off some of the gas shift up no clutch (practice no clutch shifts while cruising first) The biggest thing is setting it down easy and wheel straight.

If your afraid of trashing your bike then your not comfortable enough. Dogs, deer, cars happen but if your afraid of YOU then gain your own trust beforehand. My girlfriends brother died doing a wheelie into a van. If that's how i go out, then so be it. Until then my conference in myself has proven a great rider. If cars are around, i roll on two wheels. Would hate to know someone has guilt if i was goofing off and they ran me over. Always have the most fun you can possibly have with out effecting other people. Don't let anyone guide you away from that.
can wheelies blow out fork seal? yes. is it common? no. im new to the fz8 but i spent the last 5 years on a 06 cbr1000 and a drz400sm and both front tires saw countless times in the air with no problems. unless you are just pulling up to 11 o'clock and slamming the front end down over and over and over then your fork seals should be fine. besides a proper wheelie starts smooth and ends smooth, you should be bringing the front end down nice and smooth with the rear brake or chasing it out. if you blowing fork seals when you set it back down, your doing it way to hard! also worth noting that 9/10 times as well when f'seals start leaking they just have grit in them and need cleaned out. i went through 3 sets on my kx250 before i finally tried the seal mate thing, then i was pissed because it actually worked and i had spent near 500.00 over the coarse of 2 years on seals.

dont get me wrong, acting like a hooligan and getting either the front or rear tire in the air is never safe and is border line stupid and very unsafe but so is drinking whiskey, chasing fast women and trying to put a knee on the ground. its dangerous........but damn it , its a blast!
here's the only tip i ever need when i'm in the wheelie'in mood.

watch a youtube video of a wheelie gone wrong and think about kissing your bike goodbye. takes the desire right out of me.

I bought my first new bike, an 01 SV650. Would go out to Target parking lots late at night to practice bouncing up wheelies in first gear. After a couple weeks, after coming home from work (worked nights), I tried bouncing one up in my apt complex parking lot. Set it down, went into a tankslapper and went down. Pushed the bike to my parking space and resolved to not do stupid shit anymore. :depressed:
I did a wheelie once.......once!

I tried it on my FZ6 back in the days. Came down hard, and broke my HID xenon.
I think wheelies are best done on dirtbikes or so. Unless you are the wheelie-master, it puts stress on the whole bike (frame, front forks, fork seals,...) with a real chance of crashing.
can you do them?

Well on my 2013 fz8 I can’t really bring it up in second unless I’m standing and dumping clutch hard. Also my bike only has a power commander, stock sprocket, stock gearing, stock everything lol. Although my 1st gear stand ups I can hold for quite a bit and balance it on bp with barely using any brake, it’s easy once you learn throttle control. I only learned rear brake in case I need it I’m already use to it but most of my wheelies I usually never use brake only cover it in case. Also would like to add, I’ve noticed out of all the bikes I’ve wheelied the fz8 in my opinion is best for smooth controlled wheelies once you get the throttle control. And everyone says “1st gear is way to choppy” well if that’s the case check out the I posted on YouTube
Stunting my fz8. Having fun - YouTube
All first gear rear brake only flickered like twice and notice how my bike barely jerks back hard it’s more smooth and controlled. And I’ve only been wheeling for 3 months and I’ve wheelied fz09, ninja 650, cbr f4i, and none I can wheelie as smooth as my fz8 let alone as long as my fz8