a bit OT, but i have to wonder what they would do in a true emergency stop(pie)? rear wheel off ground yes, but only because you brake THAT hard.

It's far more likely you'd lock up the front wheel and skid before you did a stoppie. It's sort of counter-intuitive, but to do a stop you *can't* lock the front wheel.
Oh, and don't forget the front suspension damage when returning the wheel to earth. Seals, broken fork tubes, cracked wheels, cracked or broken triples. The suspension or bike for that matter was not designed for this.

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It's far more likely you'd lock up the front wheel and skid before you did a stoppie. It's sort of counter-intuitive, but to do a stop you *can't* lock the front wheel.

That reminded me of this stoppie fail pic I came across. I guess you could break a fork like this coming down from a wheelie too hard.

What's really funny about that shot, is the fact he has a stunt cage on the bike but thinks better of wearing protective gear....Common sense is NOT common ;)
^Idiot for no helmet.
When i started trying wheelies I only ever did clutch wheelies, everyone i knew insisted that power wheelies are way to easy to get away from you. From what ive heard clutching it up is the right way to do it.
I always liked this one...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx4F94DnATY&feature=youtube_gdata_player]"Yut ughhhh!" Craigslist Stunt Police Poser Idol Riders - YouTube[/ame]
I like to get the rpms up about 5500 to 6000, let off and snap it back. Get your balance and shift. Or you could go down the highway in second, stand on the back pegs and jerk your weight back as you give it juice. Just remember when you set the front tire down, give it full throttle to make it easier on the front end. Or just try not to slam it down. If the tire stops spinning then you have proven yourself.:)
I uni-cycled for about 100ft or so today.:D First gear about 6k, hit it and the front just come right up. Nice, cool, and humid this morning so figured I was making a few more ponies than I have been in the afternoons and I've lost about 15lbs over the last couple months.
Its easy for me to pOp the front wheel but sometimes when I hit the balance point (or so I think) I get scared and let off the throttle. Feels like I'm gonna flip the bike
Im a bigger guy so I have to pop the clutch in first but I'll shift all the way to 3rd before I put the front down. Not a common practice but it's fun every once in a while :D just be aware of your surroundings and make sure you have a long straight away with no one comin twards you. Im curious as to how often people break the froth tubes from comin down hard tho. Those forks gotta be super strong. I can't imagine it's easy.
Im a bigger guy so I have to pop the clutch in first but I'll shift all the way to 3rd before I put the front down. Not a common practice but it's fun every once in a while :D just be aware of your surroundings and make sure you have a long straight away with no one comin twards you. Im curious as to how often people break the froth tubes from comin down hard tho. Those forks gotta be super strong. I can't imagine it's easy.

How do you shift it? do you just preload the shifter then let of the gas a little and let it pop into place? Almost like a speed shift? I'm just to damn nervous to give it to much gas heh. So normally I'll chase it until the wheel starts to drop in first then speed shift but I can never catch it again.