Thanks to my father and all veterans


New member
I don't know if this forum is the place for thanks, but I wanted to give my father, and all veterans, thanks for their service. Is this sentiment meaningless?

For me, it will never be. Dad served in the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea, fighting in Wonju with my Uncle Dee. Dad made it home with only a little hearing loss. Uncle Dee was taken as a POW, but was able to escape after four months, during which time he survived by eating grass and foliage.

To anyone who has or is serving, I give you my absolute heart felt thanks.
In no way is your sentiment meaningless, especially for you since you had family that served. Our soldiers are here to protect and defend our freedoms, and I'd also like to give them thanks for that.
Well done well done. From a's our pleasure. And from one that made it home...Thank you...brothers and sisters.... You will never be forgotten.

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