
Later garbage!!!

Holy shit guys..worth the $$..took all of 1 hour to install and set up (professionally of course) and now....she sticks in turns!!!! Flys on the freeway!! Now she rides like she is supposed to..why couldnt yamaha just dump an extra 5k into the bike???
I probably baby my FZ8 and haven't gotten on it yet but after adjusting my stock rear shock I really haven't had too big of suspension issues.... I feared the worst when reading all the magazines and reviews on the suspension... I could see how it would be an issue for track riding but street riding I haven't ran into many issues..... also my triangle suspension pieces aren't bent.. thank F'ing god. The first time I saw that post I thought it was a big joke or prank...
Did you go to Catalyst Reaction in San Carlos?
I probably baby my FZ8 and haven't gotten on it yet but after adjusting my stock rear shock I really haven't had too big of suspension issues.... I feared the worst when reading all the magazines and reviews on the suspension... I could see how it would be an issue for track riding but street riding I haven't ran into many issues..... also my triangle suspension pieces aren't bent.. thank F'ing god. The first time I saw that post I thought it was a big joke or prank...

It all depends on your roads/weight/riding style

Took me 2 years to get around to the suspension...don't know why..should be the first upgrade.
That probably free sag.

If you sit on it tou should have around 35mm front and 30 rear. + 5 for cruising or -5 for track days.
Hard to see..but he put the sticker on there.

On a related note

Did you know there is a catalyst reaction in L.A. Area? I believe Dave moss is still at that one..

I didn't know that. That's great to know. I was seriously contemplating a long ride back "home" as a convenient excuse to get the suspension done.