Saddlesore 1000


All the Saddlesores
A few friends and I are planning a Saddlesore 1000 ride to New Orleans and back (about 1050 miles round trip) in about 21 hours. I think I might be insane. But, it should be a blast, and there will be many stories made during the trip, I'm sure. I'll take pictures and post them up. Also, I will be looking to get a seat in the next week or so to prepare for avoiding a numb butt. Any suggestions from those of you who have done something similar on an FZ8? I know that this bike isn't exactly meant for this, but it should be ok as long as I bring some chain wax, my rain gear, and some BC powder. Can't wait to post up with photos from the adventure.
Great! When are you leaving and where are you in Florida? GEt your stuff ready and ride as much as you can to get your body use long ride. 1000 miles is relatively easy, more than doable on your ride.

Test your gear few weeks before to make sure it all work good. Camel pack is a must to stay hydrated through the day.

I went to Laconia, NH for bike week last year and I drove 1550 miles under 24 hrs. If you hit it hard it's doable under 18 hrs or so. On the way there I miss the SS1000 by about 45 minutes because I stop and waited on a friend of mine in DC then got stuck in traffic. That's with a night of sleep in Georgia.

A good tune up and solid tires and chain before you leave is more than sufficient. It's a Yamaha... no worry about it! Squirt some lube on the chain on every other fuel thank.

Sorry I didn't check here and respond before I did the ride. I left yesterday morning at 3am (4/20). We rode to New Orleans for lunch, and then back. All told, we did 1042 miles in almost exactly 22 hours. We stopped for a good long time in New Orleans and took our time getting out there. It was a blast. I highly recommend it to anyone. Just, make sure you are ready for the soreness of your first time. When we left, it was raining. When we got half way through the outbound trip, it was about 38*F. (I think that's around 3*C). I figured that the end of April was the perfect time to do it, but it turns out that a cold front had another idea. Fun times, though. Got to add a few more states to the map. Next ride is down to Leesburg next week.
I am planning to do one this fall
will be getting the engine guards so I can mount some Hwy Pegs temporary and get the Breakaway cruise control