Range Rover VS bikers...

i am not being a troll, nor defending the shitheel thugs. dude attacked a motorcyclist with his car. that, for my $0.02 is where the unseemly chain of events kicked off. having been attacked by cars whilst on my bike, i can see how their "slowing him down, cutting him off" etc was intimidating at the very least. but DO NOT ram a motorcyclist. stop, pull over, let them get on their merry little way. i have seen the video from where "white shirt/vest dude" pulls in front on car. from that moment car should slow down, ease up and lay off. discretion is often the better part of valor. dick as he is, aggressive as he is, and i agree, he is an aggressive dick you do NOT ever hit a motorcycle with a car, NO! a thousand times NO. the onus is on us to protect ourselves, dunno if car cut bike off before the camera rolled or what. dont care, DO NOT ATTACK ME WITH YOUR CAR
i am not being a troll, nor defending the shitheel thugs. dude attacked a motorcyclist with his car. that, for my $0.02 is where the unseemly chain of events kicked off. having been attacked by cars whilst on my bike, i can see how their "slowing him down, cutting him off" etc was intimidating at the very least. but DO NOT ram a motorcyclist. stop, pull over, let them get on their merry little way. i have seen the video from where "white shirt/vest dude" pulls in front on car. from that moment car should slow down, ease up and lay off. discretion is often the better part of valor. dick as he is, aggressive as he is, and i agree, he is an aggressive dick you do NOT ever hit a motorcycle with a car, NO! a thousand times NO. the onus is on us to protect ourselves, dunno if car cut bike off before the camera rolled or what. dont care, DO NOT ATTACK ME WITH YOUR CAR
this is not a bike issue at all. when I get in my car, If I start going crazy on shoulders, running through opposite lanes, cutting people off in traffic, etc... I realize some day an F350 might tattoo my azz.

how much sympathy should I get cause a mean truck crunched my car after that?
i have seen the video from where "white shirt/vest dude" pulls in front on car. from that moment car should slow down, ease up and lay off. discretion is often the better part of valor. dick as he is, aggressive as he is, and i agree, he is an aggressive dick you do NOT ever hit a motorcycle with a car, NO! a thousand times NO. the onus is on us to protect ourselves, dunno if car cut bike off before the camera rolled or what. dont care, DO NOT ATTACK ME WITH YOUR CAR

i know you don't care but the guy on the bike was the first to make any moves.
he was trying to stop traffic to clear the road for they're stunt video. He was wrong for doing that.

I agree the SUV driver was a dick for not slowing down and stopping. yeah they were wrong for forcing him to stop but if there were any clear danger obviously he had the option of plowing over them as he did anyway.

They were both wrong but the biker were wrong to the point of absolute stupidity. its a mess to be sure, imo both should be charged with crimes.
i am not being a troll, nor defending the shitheel thugs. dude attacked a motorcyclist with his car. that, for my $0.02 is where the unseemly chain of events kicked off. having been attacked by cars whilst on my bike, i can see how their "slowing him down, cutting him off" etc was intimidating at the very least. but DO NOT ram a motorcyclist. stop, pull over, let them get on their merry little way. i have seen the video from where "white shirt/vest dude" pulls in front on car. from that moment car should slow down, ease up and lay off. discretion is often the better part of valor. dick as he is, aggressive as he is, and i agree, he is an aggressive dick you do NOT ever hit a motorcycle with a car, NO! a thousand times NO. the onus is on us to protect ourselves, dunno if car cut bike off before the camera rolled or what. dont care, DO NOT ATTACK ME WITH YOUR CAR

With all due respect, at this juncture I have no choice to believe the following:

A) You paid little or no attention to the facts the video provide in any way , shape, or form
B) You are so blind with anger towards non motorcyclists, that you absolutely refuse to listen to reason regardless of the situation that presents itself.
C) you are indeed trolling

For the record, I would absolutely HATE to cross your path, whether I am on my motorcycle or car, and rub you the wrong way for god knows whatever reason because you seem even more unreasonable than the punks who decided to beat the living bejesus out of some guy who was targeted.....yes, TARGETED....as a pawn in their stupid little game.

Also, with some of the language you have used in your posts, you may want to consider some form of anger management seminar. It sounds like you have alot of pent up anger that needs to be released in a healthy way.
i am not being a troll, nor defending the shitheel thugs. dude attacked a motorcyclist with his car. that, for my $0.02 is where the unseemly chain of events kicked off. having been attacked by cars whilst on my bike, i can see how their "slowing him down, cutting him off" etc was intimidating at the very least. but DO NOT ram a motorcyclist. stop, pull over, let them get on their merry little way. i have seen the video from where "white shirt/vest dude" pulls in front on car. from that moment car should slow down, ease up and lay off. discretion is often the better part of valor. dick as he is, aggressive as he is, and i agree, he is an aggressive dick you do NOT ever hit a motorcycle with a car, NO! a thousand times NO. the onus is on us to protect ourselves, dunno if car cut bike off before the camera rolled or what. dont care, DO NOT ATTACK ME WITH YOUR CAR

Ok, so white shirt dude, gets in front of SUV, brake checks him(idiot move)( and they were going reeeally slowly by then), bike ends up getting tapped. SUV driver stops completely, probably at that point willing to open his window and talk to the guy. Then sh*t hits the fan, biker thugs go batshitcrazy, and SUV guy gets the F out of dodge..... Don't blame him one bit.
I honestly don't think he intentionally ran over anyone on purpose... He was just saving his family's life and getting the hell out of there. People got hit. Like Trooper said.... pretty damn cut and dry that's what happened. Police saw the tape and aren't charging the driver with anything. Why? Because he didn't do anything wrong.
That's my 2cents...
The SUV driver could have made things a lot worse. In his escape you could tell he was making every effort to avoid the bikes in front of him, and to the side of him. I saw a road rage video from OK or NE that literally the car is trying to ram the bikes off the road.

I really don't think his intention was to hurt anyone, it really seemed he was trying to save his family.

Other information is also in that when he finally got stuck in traffic, it's because some of the bikes got in front of those cars, blocked traffic and in effect boxed him in. When he got attacked in his car it actually proves that the thugs were out for blood and didn't want anything to do with justice or the police. They had him boxed in and could have waited it out till the cops showed up.
Whatever your views are on the incident, I think we can all agree that it was an unfortunate turn of events on both parties. Some people just don't think of the consequences of their actions these days. They would rather assert to violence then to be level headed and civil especially among the younger crowd. I find it more prevalent here in NY. Anyway, I heard over the radio today that one of the alleged attackers is going to turn himself in. I believe the rider who videoed the incident is in trouble too. Ride safe out there guys!
Whatever your views are on the incident, I think we can all agree that it was an unfortunate turn of events on both parties. Some people just don't think of the consequences of their actions these days. They would rather assert to violence then to be level headed and civil especially among the younger crowd. I find it more prevalent here in NY. Anyway, I heard over the radio today that one of the alleged attackers is going to turn himself in. I believe the rider who videoed the incident is in trouble too. Ride safe out there guys!
Apparently Mr Mieses has a long history of not thinking of the consequences of his actions. Model citizen for sure:

The Lawrence motor*cyclist struck and paralyzed as a desperate SUV driver tried to escape the rage of other bikers in New York on Sunday has a six-page criminal record that began at age 12 with a negligent driving charge and includes jail time for drugs, guns, resisting arrest and other convictions, according to court records.

Edwin Mieses, 32, never got a driver’s license in the Bay State, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said, but he was frequently nabbed behind the wheel, and even sentenced to jail for driving without a license, court records show. Mieses has a pending case out of Lawrence District Court for driving suspended, subsequent offense, said Carrie Kimball Monihan, spokeswoman for the Essex County District Attorney’s Office. Mieses also has 15 guilty findings for criminal offenses including distribution of cocaine, possession of a firearm without a permit, knowingly receiving stolen property, resisting arrest and several motor vehicle violations, court records show.

Mieses was sentenced to jail in 2004 for distribution of cocaine, in 2001 for operating without a license, in 2000 for possession of a firearm, and in 1999 for possession of marijuana, receiving stolen property, destruction of property and attaching plates, according to court records.
Apparently Mr Mieses has a long history of not thinking of the consequences of his actions. Model citizen for sure:

The Lawrence motor*cyclist struck and paralyzed as a desperate SUV driver tried to escape the rage of other bikers in New York on Sunday has a six-page criminal record that began at age 12 with a negligent driving charge and includes jail time for drugs, guns, resisting arrest and other convictions, according to court records.

Edwin Mieses, 32, never got a driver’s license in the Bay State, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said, but he was frequently nabbed behind the wheel, and even sentenced to jail for driving without a license, court records show. Mieses has a pending case out of Lawrence District Court for driving suspended, subsequent offense, said Carrie Kimball Monihan, spokeswoman for the Essex County District Attorney’s Office. Mieses also has 15 guilty findings for criminal offenses including distribution of cocaine, possession of a firearm without a permit, knowingly receiving stolen property, resisting arrest and several motor vehicle violations, court records show.

Mieses was sentenced to jail in 2004 for distribution of cocaine, in 2001 for operating without a license, in 2000 for possession of a firearm, and in 1999 for possession of marijuana, receiving stolen property, destruction of property and attaching plates, according to court records.

Dudes I was joking before on the Fz6 forum "Cocaine is a hell of a drug"

LOL I was totally kidding at that time but now I was right. LOL:D:D:D
i have to agree with gloria alllred, and i don't often. the SUV driver knew someone was down under his SUV and just ran his ass over. doesn't really matter that the biker was wrong for slowing him down. he was hurt and down and couldn't get out of the way. EVERYONE was wrong. no winners here.
It seems like every day some more crazy news gets released about this incident.

My .02 remains the same for now at least. It is unfortunate that he was runover, but if I was in the same scenario as the driver, I would've done what was necessary to get out of there. Definitely a lose lose, and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The one thing I wish we could see, is footage of what happened before the initial rider slowed down in front the suv. If there was anything substantial that the driver did prior to clipping that bike it would likely change a lot of things
If there was video before you would only see the group of bikes swerve around the suv and then the white bike attempt to slow the suv (seen it before and left the group that second) lien was more that likely trying to see where the rest of the bikes were when he tapped the bike just a unfortunate accident that was still the biker fault and lack of good road riding judgement .
Not saying that running over anyone is a good idea but when you have a mass group of yell helmet swing IDIOTS Attacking your vehicle Family saftey comes first and I sure it would have been just a matter of time before one p ull a gun or other weapon that would have really cause a mess .

No one deserves to do either part of this situation but after having the chance to see the riders other videos I still side for the suv because I feel at sometime that situation would have got a lot worst had he not sped off .

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the only way this entire situation coudlve been better...

Is if Mr Lien was driving an 18-wheeler.

More specifically...Optimus Prime.

I can't believe that the lawyer Gloria Allred was asked about her client not even having a motorcycle liscence, and she scoffed it off saying "it doesn't matter, he was off the bike when he got hit"!! Jeeeeeesus....
Also saying that they weren't thugs.... Seriously? If you're riding around the city with a group of idiots breaking the law...terrorizing other drivers....guess what???? Guilty by association!!!!!!!
Where are some peoples common sense?????
i have to agree with gloria alllred, and i don't often. the SUV driver knew someone was down under his SUV and just ran his ass over. doesn't really matter that the biker was wrong for slowing him down. he was hurt and down and couldn't get out of the way. EVERYONE was wrong. no winners here.

I would have to disagree.

1. If you are participating in a group, and that group is committing a criminal act, i.e. unlawful imprisonment in this case, then all members of the group may be held responsible. Mr. Miese was standing in front of the SUV, the rest of the group encircled the SUV making an obvious boundary between the SUV and freedom. At first when I saw the unlawful imprisonment I thought it was ridiculous but it was a good call by the DA. I believe what he has positioned himself/herself to do is tag on guilt by association with other riders that get identified. Once he gets that charge to stick to Mr. Cruz, there are so many other gross violations of traffic law there that if anything Mr. Cruz should never drive again and Mr. Miese should have not been on the road in the first place.

2. I don't see how the SUV driver "knew someone was down under his SUV". This is just lawyer speak, attempting to establish direct negligence for the soon to be civil trial where Mr. Miese and Gloria go for the gold of this self made man, Mr. Lien. From what it looked like to me, the SUV driver made every attempt possible to avoid hitting as many people as possible. Even the second biker he glanced off of knocking his bike over later in the video you could see the wheels turning away from him before contact.

I do agree.
1. There were no winners here.
I would have to disagree.

1. If you are participating in a group, and that group is committing a criminal act, i.e. unlawful imprisonment in this case, then all members of the group may be held responsible. Mr. Miese was standing in front of the SUV, the rest of the group encircled the SUV making an obvious boundary between the SUV and freedom. At first when I saw the unlawful imprisonment I thought it was ridiculous but it was a good call by the DA. I believe what he has positioned himself/herself to do is tag on guilt by association with other riders that get identified. Once he gets that charge to stick to Mr. Cruz, there are so many other gross violations of traffic law there that if anything Mr. Cruz should never drive again and Mr. Miese should have not been on the road in the first place.

2. I don't see how the SUV driver "knew someone was down under his SUV". This is just lawyer speak, attempting to establish direct negligence for the soon to be civil trial where Mr. Miese and Gloria go for the gold of this self made man, Mr. Lien. From what it looked like to me, the SUV driver made every attempt possible to avoid hitting as many people as possible. Even the second biker he glanced off of knocking his bike over later in the video you could see the wheels turning away from him before contact.

I do agree.
1. There were no winners here.

The biker did not do anything to the SUV driver that justified being run over no matter how you put it. If the biker had a gun and pointed it at the SUV driver while in front of the SUV yes. but nothing even close to that happened. being scared of other people doesn't give you the right to run someone else over to get away.
It most certainly does if your surrounded with no where to go but threw the aggressors.... It sucks he got run over but he did it to him self, common sense would tell u not to Stand in front of an SUV that's being mobbed by 30+ bikers in an uproar cause there friend tried to be a dick and failed.... Only person to blame for that guys condition is the ass on the white bike and his group of morons that don't know how to behave like civilized human beings... That man did nothing wrong but protect his family from a giant mob like any self respecting man would do when faced in a mob situation, point proven by the fact that nypd also agrees that he didn't do anything unjustified .... His actions are a direct result of the bikers and there choices, cause at the end of the day this entire situation wouldn't have even existed if it weren't for the bikers "trying " to act like there cool and own the road
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