Range Rover VS bikers...

A NYC rider on the FZ1 forum said these guys are up to crap like this all the time. They run around no license, no insurance, no plates, stunting up and down the street, threatening and intimidating people. NYC became a "no chase" city after one of them died running a couple years ago. So because they know they can get away with whatever crap they are up to, they do it.

The original YouTube poster Michelinman900 had videos of the ride they pulled last year, where the group surrounds and attacks a Prius because the Prius was following the traffic light and going on green.

I have no sympathy for this bunch of morons.

yep, they do this all the time from what I hear from my friends in the area. Hell, they do the same crap with cars on the highway, they would block the highway and drag race.
These guys get whats coming to them.
Charges were filed against some riders, nothing against the driver. Seems NY may finally have something right
i cannot believe what i am reading here!! just cos some idiot decides to ride his bike like an idiot does not give some cage the right to mow him down. only last week some kid cut me off by about 18 inches, from my right. i rode next to him and "explained" my displeasure. to which he responds by, 1) "THEIR" old standby of "sorry, i didnt see you" BOLLOX!!, that does not make me less dead you K*NT!! if you do not see other road users stop driving. 2) swerving into me and then telling me he will call the police. he calls the police, they cite him for attempted assault with a deadly weapon. i guaran-damn-tee mr. lein had at least 1 phone in his car!! call the police, stop and let them pass, do what you gotta do but DO NOT ATTACK me on my bike. i will hurt your feelings and the feelings of your family, your wife and child may hear some very colorful language!! and, if you tap me and i recover enough to catch up with you i will come through that window. the bikers were behaving like idiots. kids, thugs whatever the...that is none of my business as a fellow road user. i am "intimidated" by papoose wagon driving text using dvd watching funyunchomping tea slurping shitbags in cages every day. they dont care!! think your little lane splitting is gonna get easier that every cage has seen this. open season on us now!! stick with your own! you dont like how we ride, slow down, let us go. we'll leave in a minute.
BTW i am NO some kid stunter, i am a middle aged ATGATT grown up that has had a few too many brushes with death at the hand of some wanker in a car
I dont think you quite understand how these guys are. It's not an issue of just slowing down and letting them go by. They roll hundreds to thousands deep causing problems for quite some time. They stop traffic on multi lane highways, run lights, stunt down streets with heavy pedestrian traffic etc. They deserved every bit of that
i will hurt your feelings and the feelings of your family, your wife and child may hear some very colorful language!! and, if you tap me and i recover enough to catch up with you i will come through that window.

colorful language and gestures are fine - covered by free speech. come through the window, and take your chances on getting killed. I've never fired at anyone, but there is NO doubt in my mind I will pull the trigger several times without a 2nd thought in that case. you decide if it's worth it. And yes, I know bikers could be packing too. Just consequences of what can happen. I will live with it (or not) after the fact, but won't just be a victim of some thug dragging me out of my car.

If you can't see the difference between an improper lane change and willful disregard for law & order, can't help you there. Youtube has many videos of bike gangs acting this way.

If the bikers were totally innocent and just out for a nice cruise, obeying traffic laws, not causing dangerous conditions on the road, etc... (you know, like the rest of us), they could easily get the guy's plate, call the cops and follow the guy from a safe distance till law enforcement arrived. That's how society is supposed to work.

Even in this case, bikers clearly lost more. And the guy wasn't even trying to cause damage. If he wanted to he could've wiped out the entire crew by swerving and brake checking. You have to be a special kind of stupid to take on a car with your bike on the highway. whether you're right or wrong.
goonanc, as was just said, fighting a car is not the smart choice, even if you are right.
i was riding down the highway and some idiot cut me off. all i did was through my arm up in the air like wtf, and it pissed the guy off enough to swerve at me.

i slowed down and let him get way ahead, i didn't want that a$$hole chasing me on the highway. if he bumped me i would have called the cops on my headset and followed from far behind.
we need to play it smart and completely win.
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i cannot believe what i am reading here!! just cos some idiot decides to ride his bike like an idiot does not give some cage the right to mow him down. only last week some kid cut me off by about 18 inches, from my right. i rode next to him and "explained" my displeasure. to which he responds by, 1) "THEIR" old standby of "sorry, i didnt see you" BOLLOX!!, that does not make me less dead you K*NT!! if you do not see other road users stop driving. 2) swerving into me and then telling me he will call the police. he calls the police, they cite him for attempted assault with a deadly weapon. i guaran-damn-tee mr. lein had at least 1 phone in his car!! call the police, stop and let them pass, do what you gotta do but DO NOT ATTACK me on my bike. i will hurt your feelings and the feelings of your family, your wife and child may hear some very colorful language!! and, if you tap me and i recover enough to catch up with you i will come through that window. the bikers were behaving like idiots. kids, thugs whatever the...that is none of my business as a fellow road user. i am "intimidated" by papoose wagon driving text using dvd watching funyunchomping tea slurping shitbags in cages every day. they dont care!! think your little lane splitting is gonna get easier that every cage has seen this. open season on us now!! stick with your own! you dont like how we ride, slow down, let us go. we'll leave in a minute.
BTW i am NO some kid stunter, i am a middle aged ATGATT grown up that has had a few too many brushes with death at the hand of some wanker in a car

I can hear what you're saying Goonac, however I could not disagree with you more. No matter how hard you try, there will be situations where people will make a mistake on the road. YOU will make a mistake on the road. You may not be using proper lane position to maximize your visibility to other motorist. You may not be going at the exact speed limit. You may not anticipate a maneuver another motorist making a lane change, turning in front of you, etc. You may miss seeing a turn signal from a cager. You may be following a cager too closely. Point is you can make any number of mistakes that increase the likelihood of something bad happening.

My main point is that anybody that uses a traffic situation/accident as justification for whatever aggressive violent act they have fantasized about is no better than these thug riders in NYC. No matter what your age it is childish to simply blame someone else when each and every choice a person makes contributes to a situation. Own your contribution, do everything you can to be as prepared as possible, act with respect and dignitiy, then sort any "accident" out like a civilized human being.
Goonanc, I am curious to know what your solution would be in Mr Liens situation.

You're driving on a highway, not breaking any laws, driving the speed limit, when a group of bikers surround your vehicle. One places himself in front of you and drastically slows his speed. You bump the guy on the bike who had brake checked you and all hell breaks loose. You are now in your SUV and have 7 or 8 guys pounding their fists on your windows, slashing your tires ( according to police reports of the incident), and now your life, and those of your wife and child are being threatened.

What would you do? I am curious.

Oh, and here is a little background on the type of behavior that these poor victims of the "papoose wagon driving text using dvd watching funyunchomping tea slurping shitbag" are known for.

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Awesome post Trooper....... I was just about to ask him the same question!
The whole thing just makes me sick to my stomache..... :mad:
here it is, for the lazy

heh i ride through there all the time. that is Pennsylvania Ave headed towards the Jackie Robinson.
Lotta “I’ll shoot you” BS here. At least that’s what I understand “I’ll hand you 6 bullets one at a time” to mean.
I do NOT, by any measure, condone the behavior of the bikers and the video of the little shitbag swerving in and out of oncoming traffic is infuriating. That bike will rip through the front of a car like a hot knife through butter and that little arsehole will likely be thrown clear, survive but wipe out the family in the car. THEY will become the victim.
As a “trained” somewhat experienced, been hit more than a few times, laid it down by my own stupidity and done some silly stuff on my bike motorcyclist/motorist it is on ME to be aware of my surroundings and increase my following distance and adjust my speed according to conditions and hazards etc. If I have to wait 20 minutes to get home safely and not take a beating or be involved in a crash whilst 1 or 1000 motorcyclist blaze past me at break neck speed then that is what I have to do. I do NOT run people over, tap their tail or shoot (at) them. I don’t care what dude did on the bike. He’s an IDIOT, I agree, I have said that already. Do you think for one minute that YOU as an innocent, law abiding responsible motorcyclist wont get tarred with this brush of thuggy morons? I accept the responsibility of the dangerous sport that I participate in. I mitigate as much of the risk as I can. I assume that I am invisible (turns out, I am!!) I wear ATGATT, I don’t stunt. Do NOT hit me or any of my riding buddies (which might be you, but is certainly my wife) with your car K*NTWIPE.
I am not looking to be sympathetic to them, they behave like morons, they deserve to be arrested and to rash themselves up and plow into trees etc etc. DO NOT hit me when I am on my bike, moto or bicycle. Seriously!?!
Quick +1 survey. How many of you have been aggressively “attacked” by a cage? Roadkill, like you I have waved my hands many times in wtf. And at my spiritual best I’ll let it go cos I will NEVER win that battle.

Some of you may be familiar with THE HURT REPORT

these guys were idiots, no doubt. squids abound! we see them every day. "she don't deserve it just cos she's dressed like that"

i am sorry Mr. Lien is such a douchebag that he could not wait, with his wife and child in the car, for a bunch of motorcyclist to pass and took on his vigilante role to mow them down and learn them a lesson. i hope attempted murder is on him too. WANKER!! i can only imagine what mrs. goona would be saying if i am in that frame of mind and rage. he's a shit bag. like the guy that gets shot as he come through the window, he deserves a beating for assaulting a motorcyclist

But seriously, what would YOU do?

increase my following distance and adjust my speed according to conditions and hazards etc. If I have to wait 20 minutes to get home safely and not take a beating or be involved in a crash whilst 1 or 1000 motorcyclist blaze past me at break neck speed then that is what I have to do
increase my following distance and adjust my speed according to conditions and hazards etc. If I have to wait 20 minutes to get home safely and not take a beating or be involved in a crash whilst 1 or 1000 motorcyclist blaze past me at break neck speed then that is what I have to do

Is it possible that you have not viewed the video? Or followed any of the news reports of the incident? Its not as cut and dry as simply adjusting your speed to let them go.
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Lotta “I’ll shoot you” BS here. At least that’s what I understand “I’ll hand you 6 bullets one at a time” to mean.
Lotta "I'll shoot you" BS? Do you doubt that I would defend myself if the thug (yes, the thug) smashes my window and tries to drag me out of my car? I don't care what happened before. You try this, chances are you will get killed by getting run over or shot. At that point you are no different than a carjacker and will be treated the same. I'll take my chances with the legal system.

i am sorry Mr. Lien is such a douchebag that he could not wait, with his wife and child in the car, for a bunch of motorcyclist to pass and took on his vigilante role to mow them down and learn them a lesson. i hope attempted murder is on him too. WANKER!! i can only imagine what mrs. goona would be saying if i am in that frame of mind and rage. he's a shit bag. like the guy that gets shot as he come through the window, he deserves a beating for assaulting a motorcyclist

There are a lot of douchebags in that video. he's at the bottom of the list. Most people here know what that group was up to.
increase my following distance and adjust my speed according to conditions and hazards etc. If I have to wait 20 minutes to get home safely and not take a beating or be involved in a crash whilst 1 or 1000 motorcyclist blaze past me at break neck speed then that is what I have to do
If a rider causes a cager to have an accident by accidentally cutting him off, are you OK with the cager chasing him down and running him over? or knocking him off his bike and taking a bat to him? Two way street.
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Goonac....I can't tell if you're being serious or being a troll....but WTF?
What was he supposed to do? Do you think he should have let them smash his vehicle....slash his tires, bust open his door then let them just do whatever they wanted to him or his wife and daughter? Did you even watch the video?
Do you think it's odd that all 99.9% of us are motorcyclists, yet we feel for the driver of the SUV...? But not you. You must be missing something?? :confused:
I don't really have much to add here, except to throw one more name in the hat. I'm lucky to live in an area without ass hats like these, where my biggest complaint is that motorists are TOO considerate (ie, weird unpredictable shit like yielding right of way when the law says it's theirs). This kind of ass hole behavior creates an environment where "cagers" are fearful and sometimes outright antagonistic toward motorcycles. And as far as, "stay with your own"?? Not to sound like a hippy, but last I checked, we were all human beings.
... Ok, so maybe I did have a point to make

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