Please Help. Small on and off Vibrations.


New member
Yesterday I just had my bike serviced for its 4000k. The tech said everything was good. I drove off after Yamaha had closed. Then as I am coming up on a stoplight just braking I noticed a fast vibration that came and went as I started approaching the line that was not there before I brought it in.. I pulled over noticed that the chain was tight (overall tension between .200"-.400"). Its very strange because sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't. sometimes when braking sometimes without but I can feel the vibration through my rear sets and seat but not in the handlebars. Could the chain have something to do with it? Has anyone ever experienced this? Thanks ahead of time for any help or information you all can provide.
After loosening the chain to factory specs the chain tension is not the problem. It only seems to happen while im braking... if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
I get a strange vibration in the left peg on occasion. I brought it up to my dealer and they said that it's normal to have some vibration. I'm still a little skeptical though, especially since it's only in the left. I don't think that mine is only during braking though.