PC V O2 sensor in placed?....


New member
Hey everyone, I have a general question about the O2 sensor "bypass" plug for the PC V. do you know if this plug is a "dead short" jumper or if it has a specific resistance... I got a used one from a buddy, not for my FZ but it didnt have the o2 plug with it. I question if I should actually leave the o2 connected and if not wondered if I could just jumper the sensor wires together and remove the sensor all together......
If u have a Pcv or jbp leave the o2 sensors completely disconnected, tape off the ends... The stock ecu uses the o2 sensor below I think 20% throttle to adjust the afr and in turns messes up the tune your trying to run. If u want the full skinny on why pm Marthy he is the mad scientist and can explain it a lot better