hijacker + bike + cop + gun


Avid Rider
you'll have to do the youtube search yourself...

"Helmet cam clip shows what it's like to be bikejacked at gunpoint"

Take your arguments to youtube... please...

Mods, if you lock this up before anyone comments, won't hurt my feelings :D
Awesome job by the cop but he needs to work on his quick reaction shooting, its double tap to the center of mass and one to the head, repeat if necessary.
Unfortunate that it's not condone, but it would be nice if he could be strung up in the center of town as an example to others...preferably while he bled out.

If that was me, i might take my sweet ass time calling 911 or for backup if i was the cop. 9...err what is the next number...1...hmmm...aw damn it messed up i need to start all over...what do you mean you can't feel your legs...take a nap, you'll aight.

A little off topic but this reminds me of GTA game series. It's exactly what happens when you bike/car jack someone, they shoot back or the cop shoot you. LOL.
Lucky that that cop was there at the right time... one more thief we ain't gotta worry about for a long time. if ever.

That would totally piss me off! That gun looked awful big.
It's like the wild west in parts of Brazil- we got robbed there, too. That's where my wife's brother lives- Trancoso, Bahia, BZ
crazy, at first i didnt see what happened, i think your insurance should pay for a new bike if you get jacked at gunpoint. for emotional trauma
Awesome job by the cop but he needs to work on his quick reaction shooting, its double tap to the center of mass and one to the head, repeat if necessary.

I thought double taps were for zombies only! That's rule number one isn't it? Besides that is what large clips are for, unloading!