Headlight and Brakelight Modulators


Weekend Rider
Hey guys.

I swapped over my modulators from my old bike, and I thought I'd share a mini-review for you.

First up, the KisanTech 20W-D tailBlazer brakelight modulator - $70 direct from KisanTech

This thing is awesome. If you still have a stock tail light, you want this thing. It's much brighter than stock (same wattage, but a good quality replaceable G4 halogen bulb), and has the bonus of flashing at a decreasing rate when you hit the brakes. Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends you apply the brakes several times before slowing down to make yourself more visible to drivers. This does it automatically, and even works on quick stops too.

The 20W-D is a direct drop-in for the stock brake light bulb. Zero modification required.​

Second, the KisanTech P115W-S pathBlazer headlight modulator - $110 direct from KisanTech

This item is pretty controversial among riders, but I love mine. Here's the logic:

  • Studies (please don't ask which ones... I don't have that link) show that riding with your brights on during the day is correlated to a 50% drop in accident rate. The theory is that the headlight is more visible to cagers, who are less likely to turn in front of you. This one is pretty well accepted.

  • Now the controversial one - studies have shown that having a headlight modulator blinking that bright is correlated with a FURTHER 50% reduction in accident rate (eg 75% drop compared to normal headlight use). A modulating bright is MUCH more visible to others than a normal one, but at the same time it may be confused by a cager as the rider flashing the light to yield to the cager. It's also possible that the reduction is due to the co-factor of users just being that much more safety conscious.

  • Me? I've seen the roving biker packs for ROT Rally here in Austin. They blend in with traffic, but I can spot a modulated headlight so much more easily. So, it's definitely more visible. If it confuses cagers, so be it. At least they paused to question what was going on before making that turn they'd have made anyway.
It's 50-state legal, and requires you still have a halogen bulb installed. It does NOT work with HIDs. It also will sense if it's dark, and will revert to normal brights at night.

The P115W-S has a light sensor you need to mount skyward (not shown - mine is ziptied low on the clutch cable), but otherwise is plug-and-play. No splicing needed, and minimal disassembly is needed.​

I love both of my modulators, and highly recommend them as part of sane, safe riding. It's hard to have fun from a grave or recovery bed.

Video of both installed (thanks youtube!)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrv9rdPMShc"]1996 BMW R1100GS with Kisan pathBlazer and tailBlazer - YouTube[/ame]
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it says the 20W-D tailBlazer has an integrated bulb. does that mean when it burns out you have to buy another 20W-D or just replace the bulb? im definitely interested in a flashing tail light.
Verified - the bulb is replaceable. I just pulled mine out to verify, and located the replacements - $4 from Kisantech.


As far as bulb life goes, it survived 9,000 miles on my Buell Blast, which shook more than any Harley. The little gold ring came loose, but the bulb is still working like a champ. Just make sure not to touch the bulb. If you do, soak a paper towel in denatured alcohol and rub it down really well to break up the finger oils.

I've also updated the original post to reflect that it's replaceable. I think by integrated they mean one unit to buy and no splicing.
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