Givi Engine Guards / Crash Bar Review


New member
I just installed the Givi engine Crash bars, purchased from revzilla here in the USA. here is my experience:

1. The instructions are 50% ikea furniture style and 50% in french. If you have an average IQ you can figure out how they go in in less than 5-10 minutes, but realize that they are by no means idiot proof if you aren't bilingual.

2. The right side cage bolted on totally smooth, however, the left side was a PITA as it seems the threads of the provided bolts had a lot more friction on the threads of the bike's actual frame once I had both crash bar pieces connected and in their proper locations. its possible that the bars are 1-2% off of the proper fitment which prevent the threats from aligning totally smooth when tightening. you run the risk of stripping the threads on the bikes frame and/or the Givi bolts if utmost care is not given. I reached a point in tightening the bolts where i felt that to loosen and re-insert the bolts might cause more damage than corrective good, so i just fought past the resistance until the spacers, washers, and bolts were firmly seated and fully tightened to the bike (there was a lot of force required to continue tightening the bolts after they were in 1/2 way).

3. The bolt that tightens the crash bars together at the joint under the exhaust headers stripped before i could fully tighten the two sides together. . the two sides may not have been parallel at the connection which possibly forced the connector bold to enter the left side of the connection at an angle that stripped the threads. I had to drill out the threads and visit the local hardware store to purchase a new (slightly longer) bolt and nut. total cost: $10 to have the stripped bolt removed at a local moto shop and $2.50 for new hardware. It would've been nice to have seen a bit better precision in parts fitment, but hey, what can you expect from a french product :rolleyes:.

4. You WILL need an assistant or a bike stand/lift to attach the left side bars because the kickstand must be removed in order to attach the bars. I had a second person hold the bike up while i did this and it took about 15 minutes to get the left side on properly. no big deal but this is a two man job if you don't have a swing-arm stand or bike lift.

5. I'm not 100% fond of the shape/size. It sticks out a bit more than other fz8 crash bars I've seen, which is not noticeable from the side but looking at the front it is considerably wider. this really isn't a piece for a show bike, but the bars are beefy and considerably strong. they don't stick out far enough to put your feet on unless you have the shoe size of an american girl doll, so they are still relatively close to the bike.

Conclusion: 3.5/5 stars. -1/2 point for the quirky instructions and -1 point for the minor (yet annoying) fitment issues. Get them if you want more protection than frame sliders. you will be happy once they are on there.


Looks good. I plan on doing the full side fairings next spring but if I dont I'd love to get these and mount some LED pods on there for the more adventure style look.

I've had the bars for about a year now and love them. They look like they could have come stock.
I would love to buy them from you at the right price.

We can work it out. Where are u located? The shipping on them isn't cheap but I'm willing to sell them for $100 plus shipping. Brand new givi engine guards for 2011 fz8. New never used with hardware and instructions. Email me at [email protected]. I paid 200 for them.