FOR SALE: 2013 forks, front brakes, front wheel.

Everything BUT the brakes are for sale......

And yes the 2012 yas all the same components EXCEPT the forks.
I keep throwing this out there.......

For all you track afficiando guys and gals..... I have a new front rim also for sale!!!

That's one more pre set tire you can have waiting to throw on for track days!!
Okay, forks are packed up but not shipped yet, waiting on final confirm and paypal....

If you want these forks send me a pm in case the current buyer changes his mind.

Hey banky...I know it's old...but do you still have that wheel for sale? Found a pretty good dent in mine on the bead...
I keep throwing this out there.......

For all you track afficiando guys and gals..... I have a new front rim also for sale!!!

That's one more pre set tire you can have waiting to throw on for track days!!

Any chance the front wheel is still available? If so I want it please.