Eye, or ear, Opening Experience today.


Avid Rider
Hey gentlemen,

Just wanted to share this experience I had today with you all.

For the longest time I was a big advocate of "loud exhausts save lives". Why did I believe this? Long story short, in my own experience, I've never had any issues with open pipe loud exhausts...and have only ever had issues on the road with quieter pipes up to and including the day I wrecked.

Well today, I was able to experience the other end of my point of view on the matter. I was on the highway in my cage. All windows down, sunroof open, radio down...TOTALLY able to hear my surroundings. I was scanning all three mirrors because that's just how I drive: I'm constantly scanning my mirrors and looking as far back as I do forward.

Well, at one point I wanted to switch lanes to the left. I had plenty of room to get over and there was no one in my blind spot. It was very light saturday afternoon traffic.

But for whatever reason, I didn't switch lanes.

And out of NOWHERE, and I can't stress "NOWHERE" enough, a CBR goes FLYING by me, on the left, exactly where my ass would've been if I switched lanes when I wanted to. Baja will find this funny...it was his open pipe loud exhaust that startled me. damn near made me shit myself. because it was that loud and seemingly out of no where.

Incredible that the few seconds I took my eyes off my rear view mirror to make sure I was cleared hot to make the lane change was enough time to miss this retard coming up real fast. And this guy had to be doing well over 120..maybe even over 140 I dunno. Because I was cruising at 75ish. We all were. And he blew by me like I was at a red light stand still.


I've always got my eyes peeled for bikers and I NEVER saw him coming.

But more surprisingly, and my main moral of the story, I didn't hear him coming at all, even with his stupid loud pipe. So now I know, firsthand, that a loud pipe is not as advantageous as I had previously thought.

And had I decided to switch lanes when I wanted to...that would've been it for this idiot. He would've been airborne over the jersey wall, into oncoming highway traffic for sure

G'damnit...m' effin' retard. Hate to say it but Darwin will get his ass one day.

It's a scary thought that even as a driver who has his eyes peeled for bikers and is always, always alert about his surroundings...that I almost took one out. Man...I never realized how dangerous it really is out there for us...

Please be safe guys.
yea guys like that give the clam ones a bad name. but i am a fan of quiet exhausts so i can hear others as well as so my neighbors dont come over and are like "bro"
I've never personally been a fan of loud exhausts on bikes. I'm sure that my neighbors appreciate that as well. I've also always thought y that if you're in a situation where it's your exhaust that's saving your life, than you're in a bad situation to begin with.

Sent from my other favorite addiction (Galaxy S3) using Tapatalk.
Just re-enforces my opinion that the main cause of motorcycle accidents is due to bikes showing up in unexpected places- either due to speed difference or squeezing places where cars normally don't go.
Just re-enforces my opinion that the main cause of motorcycle accidents is due to bikes showing up in unexpected places- either due to speed difference or squeezing places where cars normally don't go.

Dude: "Loud pipes save lives, man."
Other dude: "So does staying out of blind spots."
I've noticed precisely zero difference between how people drive around me on my 8 with the stock exhaust or the dm, or on my hyo 250 which is super quiet.

It is on us to stay out of the way, and if you are going to ride aggressively, know where to do it. There are times where it'd be perfectly fine to fly down a highway, and other times when it would be asking to die.

This is why I have something in between for sound an not for noise. My V&H muffler is louder than stock so the car next to me can hear me, but I keep the DB killer installed so I can still hear a little bit of what is going on around me. You need all the senses you can to survive whatever is coming at you next, especially on a road motorcycle. I ride with a group of dirt guys who keep their bikes quiet on purpose so they can hear oncoming riders and prevent head on collisions on single track trails for the same reason. Wisdom comes with age. ;)
ya, i cant do the loud pipe thing anymore. 10 of 13 of my bikes were loud. now i have ringing in both ears & that's forever. pneumatic tools didn't help things either.
I think you kinda see the bigger picture now

now think of this

how many guys would not hate bikes if we had non loud pipes?

oh well

I think a mind has been opened a bit
loud pipes are useless on the highway if you are the fastest thing on the highway. You are basically giving other people on the road no time to react to you no matter how loud you are coming and going.

Since he was going way faster than you, any safety precaution was already thrown out the window by that rider, he was a fool.
I agree. Traveling at that kind of speed, you're taking your life into your own hands.

loud pipes are useless on the highway if you are the fastest thing on the highway. You are basically giving other people on the road no time to react to you no matter how loud you are coming and going.

Since he was going way faster than you, any safety precaution was already thrown out the window by that rider, he was a fool.