Dropped my bike. :(


New member
Went out for about a 2 hour ride with a buddy. On my way home i pulled into my street going about 12-13mph. Turned left, banked, front while turning/angled hit a small rock....

It happened quick, felt my head hit the pavement (helmets for the win), then I immediately stood up and started yelling cause my whole left side hurt. It felt like my hip had been hit by a sledge hammer.

Not exactly sure the mechanics of what happened but my bike was on its side and shut off. Wheel turned towards the ground. It had pretty much thrown me directly into the ground. Ripped t-shirt, minor road rash on shoulder, forearm and left side on my fat ol lovehandle. pretty heavy abrasions on my elbow and knee. The bruise on my side is really starting to sink in. that entire area is somewhat numb, i assume i bruised the nerves. I have slight tingling sensation returning. My left shoulder, my hip, and knee were all pretty sore on sat/sun, getting better on monday and i can walk without a limp today.

Helmet is scraped up, may need to be replaced. (Shoei qwest)I suppose it is better than nothing until i can afford a new brain bucket.

As for the bike, the frame slider completely paid for itself. Not a lot of damage. All the damage is on the left side of the bike. Scrapes on the edge of the headlight shield, scrapes on the diffuser, a few scrapes on the front cover of the tank, and the outer cap on the handlebar. The worst part is about a quarter sized dent on the gas tank. That really pissed me off.

Maybe about $1000 to repair, but its only cosmetic so ill take my time piecing it together.

Later that evening i went back to where i fell, there were 5-6 small rocks, maybe 1-2 inches in size in the street. I kicked them off into the side of the road. The next day i went out and found another 10-12 rocks. One of the neighbors out there saw some fat kid throwing rocks into the street earlier that day.

i was going slow, next to my house, not a hard core wreck but if i did not have that helmet who knows what would have happened. I may be drooling in the corner instead of posting a thread about it.

be careful out there and don't assume you know the road conditions just because you have ridden over it 100 times.

I took my bike out the next day, fully functional. After a short talk around the neighborhood we decided we are still friends.

Man I'm sorry. Kids are out of school around here and they definitely get bored. Glad you are okay. Good advice on those little trips through the neighborhood when you think you can finally relax a bit. One of the hardest things for me to do is stay focused on road conditions all the time.
P.S. Is that KMFDM on your helmet? Cool, haven't listened to them for a while.
Yup, KMFDM. Gotta represent the mid 90's industrial. I grew up with that stuff. ;)

I dont know if i can prove it is the kid or not. If I catch him throwing rocks in the street I will go have a conversation with his parents. Ill try to post some pics of the damage later when i get home.

dull disclosure, I am a very new rider. I should have paid better attention and dodged the rock. This is my first bike ever, been riding less than 6 months.
File a police report, give the neighbors statement of seeing him throw rocks, what he looked like and from where. Have the police question the kid, if he admits to it, you tell the parents they cant pay out of pocket or you are suing.

If there is proof that the kid did that you can go after them!


Hopefully he makes a good allowance. Would agree to have a little chat with the sh**t stains parents to avoid it in the future.

I very seriously doubt anything would come from suing the family. But hey people have won lawsuits from pouring hot coffee I their laps so what do I know....

Sucks about the bike man! I've been fortunate I haven't gone down (sure it's a matter of time). I've had a couple very close calls where I've had to kick my leg down and was surprised to come out of it. My buddy want down last year on gravel in a turn.

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File a police report, give the neighbors statement of seeing him throw rocks, what he looked like and from where. Have the police question the kid, if he admits to it, you tell the parents they cant pay out of pocket or you are suing.


Normally I would say this is a little extreme.... BUT.... Remember the lady who killed the off duty Military member by running him over???? Woman Charged with Murder After Running Over Navy Chief Petty Officer in Road Rage Killing (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Im not saying the kid tried to kill you lol, but you are not in a car.... You took a conscience choice to put your safety in the hands of others, thats bad enough without a kid throwing rocks in the road. He might just not understand what he did was dangerous.

I got caught throwing pennies at passing cars as a kid (7 years old and bad friends lol) I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THE DAMAGE until a driver stopped and instead of screaming at us, (made us run) he asked me who my parents were, so I told him and he called them. I DESTROYED that guys windshield. And after the cops and my parents had a talk with me I honestly apologized to the guy.

anyways wow I'm giving my whole bleeding heart story here.....

Yes, tell the paretns you have seen him throwing rocks, if they don't handle it to your approval, report it. if they wanna help then you don't need to press charges.
Kill Mother Fokker, Die Kid! Lol
skinny puppy
front line assembly
1000homo djs' supernaut was a feel good song for me