Cold Weather Gear

You can have all the layers you want, but that cold wind will find its way through them. Waterproof rain gear added in there makes a huge difference.

Yeah thats correct. I tried a silk lining. Infact i bought two pairs and stacked up. :banghead: that Money also got wasted. I am gonna try at hardware store now. But temp is dropping again. :thumbdown:
Actually rest of the body gear is working fine for me. I wear a upper body lining + a tshirt+ the berik leather jacket, and a buff. Last Week It was 1 degree C to/from work. Ride is just above 22 kms. I followed 50 and 70 kmph route and Only fingers gave me this Cold issue. This all looks like a conspiracy to me. Some doesnt like us having the fun.
Any suggestion for a very good lining inside gloves when temp is close to zero? in Farenheit it will be close to 30. We got clear skies now, but temp is so and so.
I already have like 3 gloves. :confused: don't want to add any more. thats why I am looking for lining. I bought a wool lining and it turned out crap. today Iam gonna check with skiing equip stores.

IMO the only way to go is heated gloves at that temp. and if you are riding over an hour other heated gear will be needed. vest, socks, pants.