Are mirrors really necessary?


New member
In your opinion? I know the obvious advantages of mirrors, being a professional driver, but I have struggled with these hideous mirrors on the FZ8 from day one. I got bored today and went out and removed the mirrors, and the bike has a totally different character. With some minor tweaking, I think this can be one of the sharpest bikes on the road. (Only the headlight assembly does more visual harm to the bike then the mirrors do IMO. I think it's awful, and I hope someone smarter and more mechanically inclined than I will develop a buyable option to replace that thing.)

This got me thinking... How often do I use the mirrors on the bike anyway? I always look over my shoulder to check the blind spots . Are they a distraction from what is in front of me? Do I need to replace them, or should I just go without?

I'm sure I will order the Chinese mirrors off EBay, and wait a month for them to arrive. I'm just talking out of my ass. Do any of you guys prefer to ditch the mirrors altogether, or am I just thinking like a squid stunta?
They are required in most states, usually the left one, but I haven't ever heard of someone getting a ticket for not having one. I know on Robins Air Force Base they'd get you though. Here's a link to the laws in Kentucky.

State-by-state motorcycle laws
I got the rideitmoto replicas/knock-offs or whatever. Thing of beauty. Looks like a million bucks. Can't see shit but elbows and clothing. Would make a huge difference if they were 2 inches longer. To your point, you probably don't 'need' them but they're required equipment when you roll out.
I need them to see of there are cops behind me ;-) For changing lane i look over my shoulder.
I have cheap bar end mirrors and I really like them. They dont ruin the lines of the bike and are actually super effective in rear visibility. I mainly got them over the other mirrors just because they are more stealth and you dont really notice them too much.
I like to always glance behind me using the mirrors. I'm lost if I've gotta head check all the time.
I'd advise you at least run one mirror.
I ride the Crest quite regularly and I have been ticketed for having my license plate too far forward. Up there they will pull you over for anything. They just want to discourage you from having any fun. So for me whenever I change my bike I always check to see if it will be legal first. In Cali a fix it ticket is no longer free. You have to have it signed off and that costs. Plus the cost of whatever you have done to deserve being treated like a criminal.
So for me I keep them on although they are almost useless.
I'm not worried about the law. In order for me to be ticketed for that, I would have to be pulled over for something pretty bad, and even then I'd say the chances are pretty low.

I will order some mirrors soon, when I settle on a pair. I like nice shit and usually will spring for it if it isn't insanely expensive for what you get. That said, Rizoma's are insanely expensive for what you get. It's what I like to call "poor value". I think $50-$80 is a fair price for mirrors.:D
I need them to see of there are cops behind me ;-) For changing lane i look over my shoulder.

i like to see whats behind me when i come to a stop... and well i like to know when im getting pulled over so i dont start a high speed chase on accident lol
1. I LOVED the headlight shape/feel/look. Looks like a Decepticon face to me.
2. The stock mirrors loosened a few times, and I replaced them with some Rizoma's to lower the angle and shrink them down... but I definitely appreciate the presence of the mirrors. The reason I say this is you have those times when you're in full control and there's nothing going on and you're making your smooth transition / lane change / whatever.... but then you have those moments where someone's cutting you off, people in front of you are braking, and you need to make a move one way or the other. a quick left right with your eyes SMOKES the time it takes you to throw your head over your left shoulder and then back over your right shoulder.

My wife didn't like the fact that I had the small Rizoma Circuit 743's but having SOMETHING there that matches the lines of the bike and still gives you some security to see back there is what I want out of mirrors.
excellent site info!!!

It's actuallly got some pretty funny/scary stuff on it if you start clicking on the links for certain states. Mostly :bs2: Like Florida having exhaust rules, but there's not a bike at daytona with standard exhaust, if any exhaust.

I love the BS smilie!
I actually don't mind the stock mirrors. I just lean the bike real quick to get me elbow out of the way to see behind me.

Man, I like to live on the edge at least as much as the next guy, and the stock mirrorbortions def need to go, and the change in look is's like instant streetfighter. My state requires 1 mirror, nothing you'd get pulled over for here, I don't even bother with inspection stickers that's how lax they are. But I feel nakedly vulnerable without knowing what's going on behind me AT ALL TIMES. I'm using 1 bar end mirror right now purely cuz it looks sweet, but even that one blind side gives me the willies. I'm good about head checks, but there's TONS of other times you need to see what the semi-retarded cager behind you is up to. Do you do head checks at red lights to make sure nobody's texting their tween boyfriend instead of stopping? Do you do head checks while doing double the speed limit on the freeway? Heres the dealbreaker - How bout when you need to make a do or die evasive maneuver and you don't have a split second to need to glance in that mirror and get a handful of throttle at the same time,there's no substitute. Mirrors are like condoms, you dont need em 99% of the time, but when you do you REALLY do. The time it takes to turn your head could kill you. This has been a public service announcement. :2cents: