Alarms, Locks Bike Security


New member
So of course my local Yammie Dealer wanted to add some extra features when I bought my FZ8. Alarms, Locks, Lojack etc.

Anyone using an alarm? Chain Locks? U Locks? Lojack? Tell us about 'em.
Pros, Cons, Costs. Ease of use, transportability, durability, craftmanship, etc.

Any resident thief on the forum? Your insight is appreciated even more! I want to keep my baby forever!

As always, if a thread has already been opened for this topic please point me to it and accept my apology. Thanks!
I haven't had a need for anything as I had an undercover, behind locked gates spot at work and a lock up garage at home..And outside of those places I'm on the bike or sitting infront of it having lunch lol.

Around here, If you're worried about theft you need to chain the thing to something immovable or they just pick up your bike and put it in the back of a van or truck.
I've got a disk lock and a long fluorescent orange tether to keep me from forgetting I'm using it, but other than that and my garage at home, I don't use anything special. There's nothing really that you can do to prevent a determined thief from glomming your bike, so keep it insured and stop worrying about it.

Had a friend in Brooklyn get his bike stolen from an alarmed, locked, garage with the bike alarmed and chained to a concrete floor. Made me realize that there's nothing about any bike the can't be replaced, so why worry about it?
I've got a disk lock and a long fluorescent orange tether to keep me from forgetting I'm using it, but other than that and my garage at home, I don't use anything special. There's nothing really that you can do to prevent a determined thief from glomming your bike, so keep it insured and stop worrying about it.

Had a friend in Brooklyn get his bike stolen from an alarmed, locked, garage with the bike alarmed and chained to a concrete floor. Made me realize that there's nothing about any bike the can't be replaced, so why worry about it?

I agree, IF THE "THIEVES" WANT IT? Its gone. I had a friend out here in So-Cal get his ducati monster ripped off by 4 guys in the middle of the day at a shopping mall, And it was locked with an alarm. He walked out to see them drop it in a truck and drive off.. I got cable lock, alarm system, and lockable cover. The only thing I gained from it was an insurance deduction of 20$$ a month. :bday: Oh well better than nothing...
i had one on my old bike but the false alarms got to where it was pissing me off. i just try to stay aware of where i go and where i park. for instance if i am going to a bad part of dallas i don't ride.
I live in a very safe part of a very safe city. There is almost no cycle thefts here.
However, as I don't have a garage, when I park up at night, I use a big Kyrptonite U-Lock through the rear wheel, and a Krpto disk lock on the front. With the steering lock on and a cover with a padlock as well, if you want it that bad...knock youself out..I have full coverage insurance with a "modification" clause !!
I have never locked my bike, but did consider the lojack on the FZ8. If someone REALLY wants my bike, I will have to wait for my "FULL REPLACEMENT" clause check to kick in so I can ride again... but its in a garage 90% of the time and it depends on where I'm going for me to decide to cage it or bike it. If I did go with a lock, I'd probably go with the Xena for size and sound.
there is a way of using a cheep through away phone and turning it into a private lojack for your bike/car/kids/etc.
uses a online (free) program and it shows were you "phone" is at and has been.
service per mo is like $10usd.
just need the phone 12 volt power supply the service for the phone and program in the phone. and of course your home computer, smart phone, etc.
and even access to the web is free in many places these days. slow but free.:eek:
I know this is an old thread, but I am going to look into modding up an old smart phone to be a GPS beacon. However the bike is taken, I'd like to see where it goes ;)