Winter Storage!


New member
I was hoping to get some tips on winter storage for my 2013 FZ8! :scratch::scratch: Namely how to let the bike sit and where. My apologies if this topic has been covered, I did several keyword searches and could not come up with much of what I want to ask about specifically. [maybe we can get a stickier thread under general called "storage" and a how to of must-do's?] I am in an open garage style apartment that is at 79 degrees F year round. I'm definitely planning on topping off with Shell Vpower and stabil, having my oil changed, putting my battery on a drip charger, and cleaning my bike top to bottom before throwing the cover on.

***** I want to know three things: 1) Can I store my bike on it's kick stand with just a cover (maybe cardboard under both wheels)? 2) Will my tires get flat spots if I do that? 3) If I bought a center stand and a front wheel stand would that lift both tires off of the ground for storage well EDIT: Or just store it on a hydraulic jack that locks and lets off the tube pressure for winter? ?
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Sounds like you have all the bases covered. I normally run the last couple of tanks with shell premium fuel (no ethanol) to flush out any remaining ethanol that might be in the system, add a bit of seafoam (just my preference in fuel stabilizer) take it for a quick run and top it off with fuel. I have a center stand and have never had any problems with the tires in the spring, I have stored of over 2 winters. With a center stand the back tire is off the ground and there is very little weight on the front.
Same here. I'll throw some Seafoam or Stabil in it off with fresh premium fuel, and a thorough cleaning. (Be sure to run the engine for awhile with the additive to make sure it is properly distributed). I'll use my rear lift .... and while I have never developed a flat spot from storage (ever), I will move my bike from time to time to rotate the front tire. I'm debating on changing the oil, but I only have 1,000 miles on this change. (It's full syn Amsoil so I'll probably keep it in until March or April or whenever it thaws out in Iowa). I'll change it then....
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I also utilize a battery tender from time to time during the long winter. Do any of you (on warmer winter days for example) start the engine up and let it get up to 190 degrees or so? My Yam dealer said it's OK to do that so long as you let the engine and exhaust get nice and warm....190+. Thoughts?
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I also utilize a battery tender from time to time during the long winter. Do any of you (on warmer winter days for example) start the engine up and let it get up to 190 degrees or so? My Yam dealer said it's OK to do that so long as you let the engine and exhaust get nice and warm....190+. Thoughts?

Its best to leave it alone, your more than likely going to get condensation in the crankcase unless you take it for a ride. The crankcase ventilation system doesn't work very well at idle.
I agree. Starting the bike can be worse than just leaving it alone.

I don't mind the idea of rotating the engine one turn half-way through the winter to equalize the valve spring loading but even then that's not really necessary.
Well I just got my non-oxy gas and vpower with stabil in there, best I could do this winter. My center stand is in the mail. All I need is to remove my battery! Never done it before. It's easy, right?
i clean with a sponge & rags then roll onto a zip-up bag with moisture absorbing dehumidifier containers. when all wrapped up i squeeze my bike cover on, do a little rain dance & go into my cave for the winter. its a month of hell....
i clean with a sponge & rags then roll onto a zip-up bag with moisture absorbing dehumidifier containers. when all wrapped up i squeeze my bike cover on, do a little rain dance & go into my cave for the winter. its a month of hell....

One month... *sigh* Minnesota lol...
Sorry wish I could give you some advise but my riding season continues through the winter here in Arizona ;)
If your underground garage remains at 79F, then you do not need to bother with cardboard under the tires, or worrying about air pressure. If you ride in the rain, or you don't obsess over keeping it very clean duringr the riding season, then a good top-to-bottom cleaning is good thinking. Finish it off with a chain clean + wax. I try to get my fuel tank low, and then add fuel stabilizer at the pump and fill up with Shell 91 (no ethenol). Ride home, and it's all mixed. Done. Buy a cheap $30 rear spool stand and throw a cover over top. Take the battery out and bring it inside your home. Once a month, plug in the tender and top it up. I don't bother to do an oil change just for storage. I did my oil change later in the season, rode with it for the last bit, and fresh for spring I'll do an oil change.
We really got screwed in the Cities this year too. I was expecting at least two more weeks of riding and now we haven't gotten over freezing in a couple of weeks. Oh well - guess it's time to throw in the towel and wait impatiently until March.
Yes. Minnesota winter came early... It feels like January right now.. Oh well. I have the last few upgrades that I'll throw on in spring and complete the bike!
Yes. Minnesota winter came early... It feels like January right now.. Oh well. I have the last few upgrades that I'll throw on in spring and complete the bike!

What upgrades are you doing? I can't wait to see your bike again with these next mods, you already got your bike looking so sweet.
Nobunaka black and gold rear sets and spiegler black and gold braided brake lines with EBC HH brake pads. Also will need to throw on a new chain and sprockets. My chain is done.
Nobunaka black and gold rear sets and spiegler black and gold braided brake lines with EBC HH brake pads. Also will need to throw on a new chain and sprockets. My chain is done.

Merry xmas early huh! Way cool. I love the way those little (but expensive) color/performance mods can actually make a bike look completely different. Let's get a meet up MNFZ8s!