|||Post what made you laugh today!!!|||


New member
Hi guys,

Over on the Fz6 site they have a thread that is constantly going where people post their funny pictures, videos, jokes, etc. I had to bring a picture over to you guys since there are so many Aussie's on this forum. Keep the thread alive by posting your funny pics as well.

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zce-QT7MGSE]"THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading" — A Bad Lip Reading of the NFL - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmMbm78sEB4"]Unbelievable Little Kid Does a Trick Shot Video - YouTube[/ame]
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ford parts mngr so this had me laughing pretty good.

counterman: "is your car a convertible or a coupe?"
middle aged lady: "not sure i don't know much about cars"
counterman: (trying not to giggle) "is the car outside?"
lady: "yeah its that white one right there. you can see it thru the door"
counterman: "uh thats a dodge..."
lady: "ohhhh you meant the car i need the part for"
No picture, just a comment.

My wife was following me home from the dealer yesterday, and offered the following: "if you don't quit moving your left foot around, you're going to be in trouble". I replied, "I haven't perfected the art of shifting without moving my left foot". I'm still not sure she understood.
Step 1: Ride to a Starbucks and park close to where everyone is sitting outside. Ensure hot chicks are around...or hot dudes...whatever, not discriminating.

Step 2: Buy a cup of coffee, and conveniently enough, since there's no where to sit since all the tables are taken, sit on your bike while you sip your latte and just look cool (supposedly). Pretend to text a chick...even though you are not texting a chick. fake a chuckle even.

Step 3: Freak out when cop car turns on his siren and drop your coffee like a spaz, spilling it all over tank and subsequently, the shoes, and pavement. The coffee is hot...but don't scream.

Step 4: Exclaim: "Sh*t!" in a manly manner.

Step 5: Get off bike to pick up coffee cup

Step 6: Quickly get back on bike after realizing the kickstand is not down. Once again, ensure spaz-like movements. Put kickstand down.

Step 7: Successfully pick up coffee cup and conduct walk of shame to trash can to throw coffee away.

Step 8: Gear up, get on bike, start bike and attempt to pull away

Step 9: Shift to First and stall

Step 10: Start bike again, shift to first and immediately stall again.

Step 11: Exclaim "wtf" to yourself, avoid looking behind you as you know everyone is watching you.

Step 12: Retract Kickstand you idiot

Step 13: Start bike again, successfully shift to first, and pull away from starbucks.

Step 14: Stall at the stop sign 10 ft away.

Step 15: Never go back to that Starbucks for the rest of your life.


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Hi guys,

Over on the Fz6 site they have a thread that is constantly going where people post their funny pictures, videos, jokes, etc. I had to bring a picture over to you guys since there are so many Aussie's on this forum. Keep the thread alive by posting your funny pics as well.

View attachment 1236

They ain't kidding about not messing with roos over here...there are 3 black Fz8s in my work...lol..(when all 3 are in the car park it looks like we issue black 2011 Fz8s as company bikes..hehe)..but one of them is out of action at the moment after hitting a roo on his way into work last Sunday morning. He is a lucky lad guy tho...it was only a young one, head was level with the handlebars...and he hit it at 120km/h ....managed to stay on the bike, but his radiator was shoved into his engine. Reckons that apart from the $700 for the new radiator, there is no other damage and he got off lightly ....I tend to agreed :) This is not his first roo encounter, wrote his wife's new car off on the way home from picking it up a couple of years ago...ouch !!
Not today, but Saturday I laughed at the gun store clerk who expected me to may $50 each for 35 round boxes of target ammo for my girlfriend's .380

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