Longer trip prep


New member
I'm taking a trip on the bike in about a month with the girlfriend. About 375 miles each way. What should I do to prep the bike before then? Things I've already thought of:

1) Make sure tool kit is adequate for any roadside thing I could fix on my own.
2) Add roadside service to my insurance
3) Pack chain maintenance items
It is not that long of a trip :)

check your oil, lights, etc - nothing big. Taking chain maintenance is a good idea. If you don't have a windshield put one on, if it can rain - buy some water proof clothing (the ones you put on top of a regular motorcyclewear are perfect).

Pack yourself some clothes, wear protective gear (both of you!) drive safe and have fun :)

One more thing - you may also apologize your passenger in advance for (dis)comfort...
I know it's not that long, but at the same time it's significantly further away from home than any previous day trips that wind up effectively being big circles.

Windshield will be on. it's on order right now.

We'll both have full riding gear on, always do.

Hahah about the discomfort. I bought a Corbin seat used on here...and haven't gotten the passenger seat yet. She's not thrilled about that. :p
advil or some pain medication for sore muscles etc. a first aid kit can't hurt. change of clothes for sure with layers and I always bring ventilated gloves as well as full coverage gloves (for when I go up and down through the mountains.)
Heck man if it does not cost that much get a small box and shipped the overnight stuff to the location and make sure you have a return slip packed too. That way you are not carrying anything for 650 miles.

Just a thought. I did this when I saw my Dad for a few days.
k-gr pretty much covered it all!

except the last line. best way to solve discomfort is for passenger to get their own bike!! doesnt say say taxi anywhere on my bike.
k-gr pretty much covered it all!

except the last line. best way to solve discomfort is for passenger to get their own bike!! doesnt say say taxi anywhere on my bike.

Heh, she has her own bike. Problem is, it's my old SRX 250. It's not suitable for interstates. It's max speed is about 65-70 MPH. Simply not safe. She'll upgrade in a year or two.
You could remember to bring a GPS or a powered outlet to charge your phone in case of emergency
Check your bikes fluids, clean and lube chain in advance, check your tires/brakes suspension etc.

Pack light and drink only water at your stops...Coffee and soft drinks will have your girl wanting to get off and piss every 30 minutes ;)
Heck man if it does not cost that much get a small box and shipped the overnight stuff to the location and make sure you have a return slip packed too. That way you are not carrying anything for 650 miles.

Just a thought. I did this when I saw my Dad for a few days.

That's a great IDEA! Post office has those one price boxes and you could fit a good bit of stuff in one of those. Might be able to get away with just a large tank bag then.

I use a first gear laguna gps tank bag everyday with just the magnets. It doesn't grab the front plastic part of the tank all that great, but the back tabs are stuck like glue on the tank. The finish on the 12's tank seems very resistant to scratches. For the life of me I can't remember how to spell mat? LOL.... Spell check won't even help. You can get a ton of stuff in that bag. Recently I bought a gallon of shell rotella at wally world and had my tennis shoes in it (13) without it extended.
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