So it rained for the 4th time this year... guess who rode to work?


New member
It was a bright and hot, sunny morning as I picked my way through 80mph traffic down to San Antonio yesterday. it was 88 degrees when I parked at the office and went inside. vented, armored jacket, reflective vest (to get on base) combat boots and helmet in gloved hands, I went into work thinking happy twisties-through-the-mountains thoughts.

at 4pm one of the guys on my team said "woah, look at the way the clouds are moving over Houston and San Antonio... they look like two big brushes on a car wash..." I opened up the weather channel webpage and sure enough, there was going to be a chance of rain but it didn't look like it would reach us before we left in 30 minutes.

When I got outside and looked straight north, I saw the dark ominous clouds and lightning flashes... but when I looked east, I saw some grey, some blue and figured I'd take the long way home and might miss it all! zipping along the highway, everyone was doing 80+ and I was halfway home... when we topped a hill and I saw a cabriolet violently pulling off the road, and realized there was a grey cloud where the highway used to be... and that cabriolet was putting up his roof before he got soaked. sigh.

Yes I was soaked to the skin in seconds, my wet clothes would weigh in a 18 lbs in a pile on the scale in the laundry room when I got home. and once I got off the highway and headed north into town, the crosswind picked up (rather strong actually) AND I managed to find the biggest puddle in the other lane to be next to when a huge truck plowed through it and threw a tsunami up over me and the car in front of me, filling my boots past the ankles with water.

squish squish

when I got home, the rain was just starting there, and my garage door remote wouldn't open the door and I didn't have my house key (because I had the remote...) so I got off the bike, took it apart, blew out the water inside it, then it worked.

the wife got home about 2 minutes later and just giggled.

the last time I got that wet I was in full combat gear, with a pack and a rifle and we were doing swim qual's in bootcamp on Parris Island.

When was the last time YOU got soaked to the skin on your bike? :)



New member
I live in Florida, so I'm subject to those sudden rains where it'll rain on one side of the street so hard you can't see a thing and on the other side of the street the sun's shining brightly.

Haven't gotten caught on the fizzer yet, but it's only a matter of time and with the fender kit I'm sure I'm gonna have a nice wet streak up my back, too.

Only thing to do when you get caught in a drencher is to sing Yellow Submarine, Octopus' Garden, and, if you're as old as I am, a chorus of Singin' In The Rain.

Wet's just wet. We're mostly waterproof after all. Hail, on the other hand......


New member
hmm, i can comiserate on the puddle, but i was unloading a gas truck standing by the cab and a car came 3 feet from me hitting a large puddle soaking my pants, and when i went to them to say how rude that was they said "i didnt even see you" people in cars are idiots and see nothing past the satellite radio or the text they are reading.

i don't mind riding in the rain, used to love to do it on a bicycle as a kid and pools and oceans, jetski on a raining lake with all the wimps on shore. fresh rain and greasy road sucks though


New member
I got it the other day with same scenario, leaving work started looking grey and in Vegas its NEVER grey out! I could literally see the rain about a mile away, I actually went a couple blocks out of the way to avoid and still ended up getting soaked. My mesh jacket kicks ass in 100+ degree weather, but not so good in the rain :(